The city council, no 4th of July celebration and Pool ready for season

As always, there is an opportunity for citizens to bring an issue before the council. This time at the city council meeting, information about July 4 was presented. There will be no July 4th celebration in town this summer. Currently, the town must buy $3,000 worth of fireworks from its supplier. The budget of the city is $2,000 for fireworks. Last year an individual added $1,000, and the extra $1,000 was not raised last year to defray the cost for this year. If anyone is willing to step up, contact someone on the city council or the city office.

The biggest news from the city is all the water concerns. Both wells were down at the same time. One lost a pump, and the other had an underground electrical issue. They are both fixed and ready to continue with the regular water schedule.

The Pool-Raeported the pool willbe ready by Tuesday. Big Sandy has nine lifeguards. The pool was having some water issues, to much iron in the water which stained the liner. It is clean now and ready for the season, said Leslie Gregory, pool mananger.

Liens have been attached to property taxes for past-due water accounts.

The Community Decay update is they are ready to go forward. There have been warning letters, an official letter, and an extension because of the winter weather. Lately, another official letter was sent out giving violators of the ordinance another chance to respond to the city council by June 23. If no plan has been presented to the city by that date, a citation will be sent to the violators to request an appearance before the city judge. Eight violators need to submit a plan of action.

The Baseball field was discussed. One other organization has stepped forward to help with the upkeep. The school will need to sit down with everyone to finalize the maintenance of the fields.

The last business to be brought before the council was young men driving erratic and fast through Big Sandy late at night.

During the meeting, the dog ordinance was discussed briefly. The ordinance will be reviewed at a future date. Below is some partial wording of the current ordinance.

SECTION 6.04.03.

DOG LICENSE REQUIaREMENT. It is unlawful for any person to keep, harbor, or maintain in the Town any dog over six months of age unless such dog is duly registered and licensed as therein provided. Licenses shall be issued by the Town Treasurer, or by duly appointed license agents, upon proof that the dog has been vaccinated against rabies within two years of the date when such license expires, and upon payment of an annual license fee which will be determined by resolution by the Council and periodically reviewed. For spayed or neutered dogs, or who have been treated with proper hormone shots rendering them of the same effect as a spayed female, will charged half of the annual license fee. Such license shall expire on January 1 following its issuance.

SECTION 6.04.04.

DOG LICENSE – ISSUANCE OF TAG. Upon receipt of a proper application, proof of vaccination, and the license fee, the treasurer or license agent shall issue to the applicant a license certificate and metallic tag. The tag shall be stamped thereon the year for which it was issued and the number corresponding with the number of the certificate. Each owner is required to provide each dog with a substantial collar, to which the license tag shall be affixed at all times. Any dog found off the owner's premises without a license tag shall be deemed to be not licensed, even though a license has been issued for such dog. In the event that a dog tag is lost or destroyed, a duplicate shall be issued by the treasurer, upon presentation of an affidavit to that effect, a receipt of the duplicate.

License tags are not transferable from one dog to another, and it is unlawful for any person to cause or permit a license tag to be placed upon a dog for which it was not issued. Any dog found with a license tag issued for another dog shall be deemed to be not licensed. No refunds shall be made on any dog license fee because of the death of a dog or the owner leaving the town before the expiration of the license period.

SECTION 6.04.05.


1. It is unlawful for any person who owns, harbors, maintains, or keeps a dog, or the parents or guardians of such person under eighteen (18) years of age, to allow such animal to run at large.

2. Any person may take up any dog running at large and take the same to the animal

shelter. No compensation or reward will be paid directly or indirectly for such taking and delivery.

SECTION 6.04.06.

DOGS PROHIBITED IN PARKS. The presence of dogs in town parks is prohibited. The owner of any dog that is found in a town park is deemed in violation of this section and may be punished as provided in Section 6.04.16.

SECTION 6.04.07.

NUISANCE ANIMAL. It is declared a public nuisance for any dog or other animal to destroy, damage, or injure property or other pet, to bite or chase after persons not trespassing on the property, injuring or attempting to injure the person, family, or property of the owner, to chase vehicles in public streets or ways, or by prolonged howling, yelping, barking or by any other means, declared to be a public nuisance for a dog to come unto property, not that of the dog's owner. Any such nuisance animal may be taken up and impounded by the Town Authorities. It is unlawful for any person to own, harbor, keep or maintain any such nuisance animal. Any person aggrieved by a nuisance animal, the town attorney, or town authorities may file a complaint in the police court, charging the owner with the violation of this section. Upon a third conviction under this section, the nuisance animal shall be seized and taken up by the town authorities and put to death forthwith.

SECTION 6.04.08.

DANGEROUS ANIMAL. It is unlawful to own, keep, harbor, or maintain a dangerous animal exhibiting "vicious behavior."

1. Vicious behavior defined: Any animal, except a dog assisting a police officer engaged in law enforcement duties, is presumed vicious if the animal demonstrates any or all of the following behaviors:

1. An attack, without provocation, which requires a defensive action by any person

to prevent bodily injury and/or property damage in a place where such person is

conducting themselves peaceably and lawfully;

2. An attack, without provocation, that results in injury to a persons in a place

where such person is conducting themselves peaceably and lawfully;

3. Harassing, chasing, or an attack on other pets or livestock not trespassing onto

the property of, injuring, or attempting to injure the person, family, or property of

the owner.

2. Lawful Presence. For the purposes of this ordinance, a person is peaceably and lawfully upon the private property of a dog owner when in the performance of any duty

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