Vacation Bible School Resounds with Praise!

Vacation Bible School for ages four years through those students just finishing third grade was held at Grace Lutheran Church, the mornings of June 5 – 8. This year’s theme was “Praise the Lord,” and all 22 young children were excellent about raising their voices in joyful songs of PRAISE which may also use the words “Hallelujah!” or “Rejoice!” or “Thank you!” or as their rap song went: “Praise, what’s that? It’s a Yippee, Yahoo, Way to go, God!” Our main Bible verse was from the book of Psalms which has the most verses about praise of any of the 66 books of the Bible. Psalm 146: 1 reads “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul!” The children learned more about David, a shepherd boy who later became a king and the author of many of the Psalms. He called the Lord his shepherd and described Him as a good shepherd. They also learned about Jesus calling Himself the Good Shepherd, searching for any sheep who might be lost or in danger. He has sent us His Holy Spirit to help us be His lights in this world, and the children responded with enthusiasm, singing and shouting “This Little Light of Mine, I’m Gonna Let It Shine!” Marla Ray and Rich Jespersen led the music openings and closings. Rich also served as a classroom teacher for the older children, along with Demrece Keller instructing the younger ones, with assistance from Karen Reinertsen, Brianna Terry, and Piper Phillips. Brianna also led all the recesses throughout the week. Wonderful craft ideas were created under the direction of Linda Finke, Betty Jo Chauvet, Karen Jespersen, and Keri Cox. Tristan Cox was a helpful assistant wherever needed. Lots of yummy snacks were enjoyed, donated by the staff, Gay Pearson, and Erica Chauvet. Thursday morning at the end of the school, a short program was presented by the children for their families. They were again exuberant with their praise! The Lord was surely smiling on all of them! Director Marla Ray would like to thank all of the parents for sending their children to this week of Bible School. The staff is to be commended for their commitment to sharing the Gospel and planting the seeds. Praise the Lord that we live in a country where we are free to do so.

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