July 13th City Council Meeting

All city council members meet on Thursday, July 13, for a regular meeting. Krystle Miller was a little late due to an accident on the highway. Law enforcement was held up entirely because of the accident, so there was no Sheriff’s present to report.

Rich Jesperson reported five new grant opportunities for the new Big Sandy Pool. Further information will be coming forth.

KLJ reported that some extra paperwork was necessary to be redone for NCMRWA. It won’t affect the city; just sifting the dollar amounts into the different categories. There is always an enormous amount of paperwork to be completed with each grant the city receives.

The city hasn’t heard anything from Bear Paw Development concerning the old hotel/Brownfield grant. Resolution 2021-01 for Bear Paw Development participation by the town of Big Sandy was put on hold till Mayor Shaud Schwarzbach visited Bear Paw Development. It will be discussed and voted on at the next regular meeting.

Under old business, it was reported that the new telephone system would save the city dollars.

The Community Decay ordinance was discussed. The letters went out to those who had not responded to the warnings. Those community members will meet with the judge this week. It will be an arraignment court for homeowners who have received letters. It will all be an opportunity to declare if they are innocent or guilty.

After the meeting was over, they adjourned and went into Executive Session.