Katheryn Bold receives National Garden Club Award

Katheryn Bold, who is a Junior at Carroll College in Helena, double majoring in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, with a minor in Chemistry, has been selected as the recipient of the $4000 ($3800 this year)scholarship from the NGC for 2023. She is from Big Sandy, where she was raised on the family farm, 27 miles from town, where she learned lots about responsibility, hard work and dedication to get whatever done that needed doing. She has done a wide variety of school and community activities, all the while maintaining nearly a 4.0 GPA. Her list of community service activities and accomplishments is very humbling not only to the average college student but especially to the scholarship selection committee.

After graduating from Carroll, she plans to pursue a Master's Degree at the University of Minnesota in Biochemistry, so that she can become a Botanical biochemist. She is very concerned about the interplay between making a living farming and coming up with chemicals and farming practices that are effective, efficient and environmentally safe. She plans on being involved in the research that helps bring that about. After reading through all of her application, all I can say is that if there's a way for it to be done, she's the person to do it.

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