Green Acres

Nine 4-H and FFA Youth Meet Excellence Criteria for Livestock Carcass Quality

The 2023 Chouteau County 4-H and FFA livestock carcass contest took place at Pioneer Meats in Big Timber. A total of 81 Chouteau County animals were evaluated for carcass quality by Mark King from MSU Extension Sweet Grass County. The purpose of the carcass contest is to teach youth how to correctly select, feed and finish livestock based on carcass data. If carcass criteria are met, youth can be confident they are producing a quality product that is safe, nutritious and good tasting to the consumer.

Out of 43 market swine entered at the Chouteau County Fair, three qualified for Montana Symbol of Excellence (SOE) in swine. The top SOE swine was fed and finished by Sophia Bradshaw. Second place SOE swine was fed and finished by Ky Nack. Third place overall swine carcass was fed and finished by Clara Bradshaw. Carcasses must meet minimum standards based on weight, back fat, loin eye area, marbling, color, firmness, and wetness. The Montana Pork Producers Council provides certificates to each youth exhibitor and producer whose swine meets live and carcass SOE certification standards.

One beef out of 30 qualified for Montana Steer of Merit (SOM). This is likely to a number of factors including drought stress, heat stress, feed rate, and genetic variances in the steers. First place and SOM was fed and finished by Braydee O’Hara. Second place was fed and finished by Owen Starman. Third place was fed and finished by Bailey LeFurgey. Standards for SOM must be met in weight, dressing percentage, back fat, ribeye area, yield grade, quality grade and cutability. The Steer of Merit program is a statewide beef carcass contest overseen by a committee consisting of Montana Stockgrowers Association members and MSU Extension representatives. Two divisions have existed since 2008, a carcass division and an ultrasound division. Exhibitors and breeders of the top 5 carcasses in each division are recognized at the Montana Stock Growers Association annual convention.

Five out of seven lambs at the Chouteau County Fair qualified for Montana Certified Lamb (MCL). Gracelyn Roudebush fed and finished the first place MCL. Second place MCL was fed and finished by Jetta Hucke. Third place MCL was fed and finished by Aspyn Bogart. Fourth place MCL was fed and finished by Jacynta Bomgardner and fifth place MCL was fed and finished by Cassie Heppner. MCL must meet standards based on weight, quality grade, fat thickness, yield grade and rib eye measurement. MSU Extension and the Montana Wool Growers Association co-sponsor certificates to each youth exhibitor who qualify for MCL.

One meat goat entry at the Chouteau County Fair qualified for Montana Goat Carcass of Merit (MGCOM). The goat was fed and finished by Jayton Ophus. MGCOM must meet standards based on weight, quality grade, internal and external fat thickness, rib eye area, body well thickness and muscle.

2023 Chouteau County 4-H livestock Carcass results are available electronically, or they can be picked up at the Chouteau County Extension office. We are located in the green building behind the courthouse. A special thank you to Will Hucke and the Bomgardner family for helping out during the carcass contest.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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