Civic Duty affects Mountaineer

Civic Duty is a sacred responsibility! One we should all hold in high regard. Those Civic Duties include voting, paying taxes, obeying laws, and jury duty.

You may notice a slight difference in the paper this week. We found out on Friday that Leslie had Jury duty on Monday morning. Yes, that’s the day the paper goes to print. I let the Havre Daily know that it would be late getting the paper to press because I was doing it solo. I needed to call an InDesign expert a couple of times because I was totally lost. And Erik Sietsema was enormous help as he understand computers better then I do. Although it took me all day I finally got it “to bed.”

When I called the Havre Daily they told me they were still having some difficulties with the printer, which I thought was fixed last week. So....not sure when you will get this paper.

Therefore, we have all been impacted by Civic Duty. Getting a paper out was not an excusable reason for not showing up. She let me know it would be a three day trial, so this week I’ll be learning better how to do more. Leslie is invaluable to me and it’s good to learn how to be better at my job.

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