Pioneer Parents Make plans to support teachers

The Pioneer Parents Team met on September 12th at the FE Miley Library. Officers were voted on: President Rachel Baumgarn; Vice President Sarah Sura; Secretary Scarlet Auble; and Treasurer Misty LeFurgey.

This is a group of parents who want to support and encourage the teachers in our community. Its design loosely follows the old PTA. They hope to encourage more parents to care about the classroom and get involved. It is also easy to understand how important it is to support the teachers as they work to give the best education to our children.

This was just the first meeting of the year to help them get started. They looked at the entire year and discussed what could be accomplished. They considered a lot of activities that will be or could be implemented during the year. They already gave welcome-back staff baskets at the beginning of the year. And wrote letters to new students and kindergarten parents. Other ideas that were talked about included Backpack Buddies and Bulletin Boards.

Parent Teacher Conferences will take place on November 8th and 9th. Pioneer Parents will have a soup dinner for the public during Parent Teacher Conferences for a free will donation. They also discussed other forms of fundraisers as everything they do will cost.

They would like to have treats in the Teacher Lounge at least once a month.

They talked about the Elementary Extravaganza, Teacher Appreciation Week which is May 8th-12th, and the Last day of School this year is May 30th, but no decisions were made about what to do as it was too far in the future.

Be looking for Box Top Information in the future as the program will be established.

Last year the Amazon wish list was very successful it will get started again shortly. They also visited about having a Teacher Christmas Tree. A new and exciting way to say how much we appreciate the teachers in our community.

Meetings will be every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 4:00 in the FE Miley Library.

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