BSHS Board of Trustee meeting minutes, Unofficial

Trustees present: Chairman Kelly Rutledge,

Vice Chair Brad Weaver, Anna Bold,

Matt Myers Jessica Sheehy

Staff Present- Superintendent Dan Schrock,

Principal Heather Wolery, District Clerk Mary Merrill,

Athletic Director Melanie Schwarzbach Guests in attendance- yes

1. Call to Order- Chairman Kelly Rutledge called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Public Comment

In public comment to the board of trustees, William Maddox emphatically expressed his concern with not being placed on the agenda for the current meeting and his frustrations with his pay rate.

4. Approval of minutes of meeting held August 15th 2023

Updates to minutes suggested, to add wording into section 9. Old business, b- add

“possible” in front of greenhouse location. To Old Business, d.- add “for outside lighting sign” and specify hallways for asbestos abatement. Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve minutes with updates, Brad Weaver seconded and motion passed unanimously to approve meeting minutes with updates from August 15th, 2023.

5. Reports & Updates

A. National Honor Society- Ms. Jaramillo, honor society advisor, gave an update on plans to raise funds this year. Student council- three students were in attendance and gave an update on upcoming activities that will be hosted by the student council.

B. Booster Club- Wendy Taylor updated the board with information on the new mats being installed in the gym behind each backboard, the new banners that will be arriving soon and that the club would like to sponsor new Mascot gear.

C. Technology Report- Travis Baumann updated the board on a new camera that will be installed in the outside main entrance area.

D. Clerks Report-

Claims approval, claims 49570-49576 and 49602-49636. Motion made by Brad Weaver to approve claims listed above. Motion was seconded by Matt Myers, claims written as is approved unanimously.

Expenditure budget summary and update on the budget submission.

E. Athletic director report- Referencing her report, AD Melanie Schwarzbach gave an update on all athletics currently taking place.. Rotary would like to sponsor an Ice Rink and would like to know what land could possibly be available to use.

F. Principals Report- Ms. Wolery updated the board that the Rooms app adjustments are going well for all users and it seems like it will be a good program once we work out all of the kinks. School enrollment is steady, on average. Ms. Wolery gave a MAPS testing update.

G. Superintendent’s report- Mr. Schrock reported that he attended a great NEMASS conference. The fall institute training that he attended was also successful. He reported that due to a change in the legislature, beginning in July board meetings will be streamed live and recorded. An update on the Title 1 audit was given. He reported on the current status of the Wagon Area renovation and there will be a community project to lay weed barrier on a later date. New seamless rain gutters will be installed on the 25th of October.

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