Big Sandy Public School District #11 & #2 Board of Trustees Meeting Unoffical minutes

Staff present- Superintendent Dan Schrock, Clerk Mary Merrill

Trustees present- Chairman Kelly Rutledge, Jessica Sheehy, Matt Myers. Not present- Anna Bold, Brad Weaver.

Guests in attendance.

1. Meeting called to Order at 7pm by Kelly Rutledge, Chairman

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Public Comment- Non Agenda Items . No public comment

4. Minutes of the Last Meeting held on September 19th 2023. Motion to approve made by Jessica Sheehy, motion seconded by Matt Myers, approval of minutes from previous meeting approved unanimously.

5. Reports & Updates

a. National Honor society- Ms. Jessica Jaramillo, advisor of the National honor society was present and gave a brief update on upcoming events being planned by the society. They include helping with a Halloween event at the senior center and setting up a study hour at the high school for students needing extra time to study.

The Student Council had three student representatives in attendance and they reported on the success of the events that they facilitated during the recent Chili Feed week. The student council requested permission to host a jr/sr high school movie night to be held in the auditorium on Tuesday, November 2nd at 6pm.

b. Booster Club

Due to a scheduling conflict and related absences of the members of the Booster club, the report was read by district clerk Merrill. The report included updates on the wall mats being installed and other projects ongoing by the club. Their next meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 7th at 5pm.

c. Technology Report- no report

d. Clerks report and approval of claims-

District Clerk Mary Merrill updated the trustees with the details of the recently released Fy 2022 Financial and Compliance audit, as well as a brief summary of training attended and upcoming training to be attended. A motion to approve the claims #49638-#49688 was made by Trustee Jessica Sheehy and seconded by Matt Myers. Motion carried and claims were approved.

e. AD report- Athletic Director Melanie Schwarzbach was not present due to a scheduling conflict but had sent a report out in the board packet previously

f. Principals Report - Principal Wolery was not present due to a scheduling conflict, no report.

g. Superintendent's Report

Superintendent Dan Schrock spoke to his report, detailing his work on grant funding and an update on the current 95 mills issue taking place statewide between county commissioners and the governor of the State of Montana.

6. Action Items

Old Business

a. Discussion & possible action item- Changes to Attendance Policy- 3122, second reading. Motion made by Matt Myers to approve second reading on the changes to the attendance policy. Motion seconded by Kelly Rutledge. Motion to approve changes carried unanimously.

b. Discussion & possible action item-Purchase of new lift. Superintendent Schrock updated the board with detailed information on the lift available for purchase for $7500.00 from Hi-Line Rental in Havre, MT. A motion was made to purchase available lift by Matt Myers and seconded by Jessica Sheehy. Discussion. Motion passed unanimously and the lift will be purchased for $7500.00 from Hi-Line Rental.

c. Discussion & possible action item- Bus Driver Contracts- Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve contracts for all listed drivers for associated positions, Matt Myers seconded and motion to approve all listed drivers and associated positions and contracts were approved.

i. Layne Taylor-Activity Bus Driver, Beginning 08/21/2023

ii. Jarrett Jacobi- Route Bus Driver, Beginning 08/21/2023

iii. Jarrett Jacobi- Activity Bus Driver, Beginning 08/21/2023

iv. Charlie Sipler- Route Bus Driver, Beginning 08/21/2023

v. Charlie Sipler- Activity Bus Driver, Beginning 08/21/2023

vi. Trent Cline- Route Bus Driver, Beginning 10/02/2023

vii. Trent Cline- Activity Bus Driver, Beginning 10/02/2023

d. Discussion & possible action item- Public Use of High School Gym and Annex Access, Fee, Hours of operation- Jessica Sheehy made a motion to table agenda item for the next regularly scheduled meeting. Matt Myers seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously and Public Use of High School Gym and Annex Access was tabled until the next regular meeting.

New Business

a. Discussion & possible action item-Senior class of 2024 request for approval for Senior trip & house reservation, location in Sandpoint, ID, May 2024. Class representative was present and informed the board that the senior class of 2024 will travel to Sandpoint ID May 9-14, 2024, using two school vehicle and attended by class advisors Layne Taylor, Tucker Taylor and parent Wendy Taylor. Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the senior class trip of 2024. Matt Myers seconded the motion, Discussion was had. Motion to allow the senior class to take the senior class trip of 2024 was passed unanimously.

b. Discussion & Possible action item-Proposed Ice Skating Rink by Big Sandy Rotary Club. Rotarians Shaud Schwarzbach and Layne Taylor presented to the board possible locations for the temporary ice rink and their plans to be 100% responsible for set up and take down of the rink at beginning and end of season, seeking approval from the board for a final location. Jessica Sheehy made a motion to accept the location of the area by the elementary school and the baseball fields for use of the seasonal ice rink to be set up and disassembled by the Big Sandy Rotary club on a yearly basis. Matt Myers seconded the motion, no discussion, motion to approve the location and the temporary ice rink approved unanimously.

C. Discussion & possible action item- Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative, agreement for 2023-2024 school year. Motion to rejoin the Golden Triangle Curriculum Cooperative for the 2023-2024 school year made by Jessica Sheehy, seconded by Kelly Rutldege, No discussion and motion carried unanimously.

D. Discussion & possible action item-One on One Paraprofessional: recommendation to hire Rebecca Johnson. Motion made by Jessica Sheehy to hire Rebecca Johnson for the position of One on One Paraprofessional for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year. Motion seconded by Matt Myers. No discussion. Motion carried unanimously and Rebecca Johnson hired for position of one on one paraprofessional.

e. Discussion & possible action items- Volunteer JH girls basketball coach, Jaime Worrall. Motion made to allow Mr. Jaime Worrall to be a volunteer JH girls basketball coach for the 2023 season by Matt Myers, seconded by Jessica Sheehy. No Discussion and motion passed unanimously to allow Mr. Worrall to volunteer his time coaching the JH girls basketball team for the 2023 season.

f. Discussion & possible action items- Substitute Teachers for 2023/2024 school year, pending background check. Matt Myers made a motion to hire the following individuals, pending background checks, to substitute with the Big Sandy School district for the remainder of the 2023-2024 school year- Alma Terry, Connie Reichelt and Rebecca Johnson. Matt Myers seconded the motion, no discussion and all three individuals were hired pending background checks to substitute for the 2023-2024 school year.

g. Discussion & possible action item- Invoice due for Prairie Craft Construction, amount over $5000.00. After reviewing the invoice for labor performed by Prairie Craft Construction on and materials used in the walkways in the newly renovated Wagon entryway, Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the expenditure, seconded by Matt Myers. No discussion. Motion to approve payment of the invoice from Prairie Craft Construction passed unanimously.

H. Discussion & possible action items- Invoice due for Loch Electric, amount over $5000.00. After reviewing the invoice for electric work performed by Loch Electric on the new hood installed in the kitchen at the Elementary school, Matt Myers made a motion to approve the expenditure, seconded by Jessica Sheehy. No discussion and the motion to approve payment of the invoice from Loch Electric passed unanimously.

i. Discussion & possible action item-Invoice due for FICO- amount over $5000.00. After reviewing the invoice for labor and parts needed to perform the work done on the high school gym heating and ventilation system repairs, Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the invoice, seconded by Matt Myers. No Discussion and motion to approve the expenditure and payment of the invoice from FICO passed unanimously.

j. Discussion & possible action item- Updating Classified Staff Handbook wording to reflect pay date change from the 24th of the month to the 15th. Discussion and updating of the Classified Staff Handbook pay date change moved to the next regular meeting for second reading.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:05pm by Kelly Rutledge, Chairman of The Board.

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