Green Acres

Updated Diseases of Cool Season Legumes MontGuide Available

A Montana State University Extension guide from 2015 has been updated. The new and improved guide (EB0207) is titled Diseases of Cool Season Legumes - Pulse Crops (Dry Pea, Lentil and Chickpea). It is written by Uta McKelvy, Assistant Professor Extension Plant Pathology, Erin Gunnink Troth, Research Associate, and Mary Burrows, Associate Dean for Research and Director of Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station. It includes photographs and management of existing diseases and diseases of concern for the future.

Establishing a good plant stand is important to reduce competition from weeds and protect plant health throughout the growing season. Use an appropriate variety and healthy seeds with high germination rates. Crop rotation and seed treatments can go a long way toward protecting a crop. As pulse crops are more frequently included in crop rotations, we see increased disease problems. Correct diagnosis is the first step toward successful disease management.

Diseases addressed in the document include damping off, root and crown rots, vascular wilts, foliar diseases, management and control of fungal pathogens and viral diseases. Also included are helpful websites and contacts. One of the most important websites for Chouteau County producers is the MSU Ag Alert system which producers can join free of charge. If an outbreak is determined, an alert will be sent out by

Extension specialists on the Alert system. Producers can join at

Copies of EB0207 are available at the Chouteau County Extension office. The office is located in the green building behind the courthouse.

Montana State University U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.

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