In the Spring of 2023, a spot on the Big Sandy Medical Center's Board of Directors became vacant. After careful review of the Board By-laws, the Board learned they must appoint a candidate to that position until the term is completed. Candidates that were interested in being on the BSMC Board were allowed to express their interest through October 16, 2023. At that time, the nominating committee stopped accepting nominations and the Board chose the candidate to be appointed.
At the most recent Board Meeting, held October 16, 2023, Amber Terry was appointed to the vacant seat and will serve a one-year term before being up for re-election. Welcome to the Board of Directors Amber, thank you for your time and service to BSMC!
The other candidates who had expressed interest in being on the Board, will run for a three year term. Elections will be held at the Annual Meeting on November 30, 2023. Big Sandy is a community owned hospital, so the community gets a say in who is on the Board. To be allowed to vote, one must be a resident of Montana and a tax payer of the Chouteau County Hospital District #2. You may either vote in person at the meeting, or an absentee ballot will be available at the Big Sandy Medical Center Business office.
The current Board of Directors includes, Harvey Keller, Bob Nelson, Anna Bold, Ann Quinn, and now Amber Terry. Harvey's seat is up for re-election. He has expressed interest in remaining on the Board, and will run against Big Sandy locals, Ken Denning and Dr. Karen Baumann. In the coming weeks, more information about each candidate will be shared so you, the community, can make an informed decision about your vote.
Why does your vote mean so much for this community? The Board of Directors guides the operations of the facility. Staying independently owned has been a priority of the medical center in the past and it is becoming more and more of a rarity in the Healthcare industry. Logan Health now owns/partners with facilities in 16 locations across Montana. Benefis has several locations in Great Falls, but also Choteau and Fort Benton too. Intermountain Health owns St. Vincent's in Billings, has locations in Miles City and Butte, and has plans to open a facility in Bozeman. Other healthcare systems like Sanford, Avera, and Banner Health hospitals continue to grow their reach as well. The leadership provided has always been what keeps the doors of our facility open and now will be the guiding force behind whether the facility remains independently owned and community centered.
Stay tuned for more in this five part series about the Board of Directors, the candidates for election, and the upcoming Annual Meeting.