Michael Wright practices gratitude

I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, and in November, I work on finding articles for the Mountaineer that celebrate giving thanks. I found Michael Wright's Facebook page.

Michael Wright moved to Big Sandy with his mother, Suzanne, in 2021, and his Facebook comments this time of year inspire and encourage me. He was born in Vancouver, Washington, but lived most of his life in Eureka, Montana, graduating from Lincoln County High School in 2010. He moved to Kalispell for about seven and a half years before returning to Eureka in 2018.

Michael said, "I love Big Sandy. I love the community, the location, and the sense of peace it gives me."

He works at Big Sandy High School as a Para-professional aid working with an autistic student.

Michael knows something about living with disabilities. Born deaf, Michael has a cochlear implant and a hearing aid. "For the longest time, I felt like why do I have to deal with an hearing disability." But Michael believes that God had a purpose for him--for where he is in his life. "I wanted to inspire others that God can use you regardless of who you are or your disabilities. Right?"

He also has cerebral palsy. "Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of disorders that affect a person's ability to move and maintain balance and posture. CP is the most common motor disability in childhood. Cerebral means having to do with the brain. Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles."

He says what he believes in such a simple yet profound way. He is an example to me and everyone in Big Sandy on living.

His comments..."Let's practice gratitude."

"Our actions show who we are, and we must be careful of how we represent our faith through how we interact with others. How can you show love and kindness to someone today? It can be as simple as going to a coffee shop and just being there for them. Maybe you can open up your home for a meal with them or simply text them to check up on them and let them know that you're thinking of them. We all need a little kindness in our lives."

"I may not have a voice that can sing, but I will still praise my God! The purpose of our lives is to worship the Lord with all of our hearts. Worship doesn't have to be about singing, you can worship God through your talents, through your jobs, at home and even when you're out in nature. I always feel a sense of awe when I see the beauty of the world, be it a sunset or sunrise, seeing a waterfall, listening to the birds chirping, and the list goes on. Take a moment to stop and look around you and appreciate the beauty of what the Lord has done. Praising God can be as simple as saying, "Thank you, Lord, for what you've given me in my life."

"Have you ever taken the time to thank God for all the good things that are in your life? It's all about mindset; what you focus on is going to stand out in your life. If you always focus on the problems and worries of life, you'll come across as a negative person. But if you shift your mindset to all the good things that are in your life, what will be your attitude? Gratitude! I believe that this verse reminds us to be for all that God has given us in life. The challenge for us today is to change our attitude of complaining to have an attitude of gratitude."

When difficult times arise, do you tend to rant and complain about your situation, or do you lay your troubles before the Lord? I believe that we can practice gratitude by giving thanks that God is with us during our difficult times. Maybe the situation you're in is teaching you to trust in the Lord, to walk by faith and not sight. You may be in a dark place, but the light will always shine through. Hold on to the hope that you have in Jesus Christ, and he will be the Anchor within the storms of life. The storms of life won't last forever, the dark clouds will pass away, and the sun will shine again in your life. Live your life with hope and faith, and you will persevere through the storms of life."

He ended our interview by saying he "would like to add the scripture 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13. " During this month of gratitude, I would like to thank God for Michael Wright.