The Sunshine Snippers 4-H Club kicked off the new 4-H year in October with the annual awards ceremony in Fort Benton. Members received numerous individual awards and the club took home several group awards; Horse Herdsmanship, Swine Herdsmanship and Beef Herdsmanship. The Herdsmanship Awards are chosen by the barn superintendents and are awarded based on a club that goes above and beyond during the Chouteau County Fair. Club members are noted to work extra hard as a team as well as independently helping wherever and whenever needed. The Sunshine Snippers received the award for the best fair booth, which is a decorated display of member's projects in the 4-H building.

Officer elections have taken place and the officers for the 2023-2024 4-H year are; President- Elise Hartley, Vice President-Garret LeFurgey, Secretary-Tosha Allderdice, Treasurer-Jayton Ophus, Reporter-Wyatt Boyce and Historian- Bailey LeFurgey. The club currently has 19 members and 7 leaders. We look forward to having a fun and successful year!

On Halloween, the club participated in the local Trunk-or Treat on Main Street. Members had fun decorating the Fun Bus and handing out candy. Their most favorite part was trying to "scare" the trick or treaters that ventured onto the bus.

The hallmark of 4-H is community service. The Sunshine Snippers participate in highway clean-up twice a year as well provide funding and time for community projects. In order to do this, we have an annual fundraiser that is our primary source for funding these projects. November found members out and about, selling Martinson's Ranch Chocolates. This is our main annual fundraiser. These chocolates are made in Montana and are delicious! The club uses the money raised from this fundraiser to help support many different aspects of our great community. In past years, the club has put up hat and mittens trees in the schools and library, purchased items for angel tree youth, donated items for the local food bank and purchased needed supplies for the local teachers. This year members voted to purchase winter gloves for the elementary school for those that may need a pair. Money was designated for the school's angel account that pays for meals for youth in need. The Big Sandy Senior Center received a check to help pay for seniors' meals.

Funds raised also benefit members as they continue to learn and grow; by participating in tours, workshops and other fun activities. If we missed selling to you, or you need more goodies, the Sunshine Snippers will be selling Martinson's Ranch Chocolates during the craft and vendor show at Jerry Martin Memorial Hall during the Christmas Stroll on December 2. Also during the stroll, the club will be available to help wrap Christmas gifts for a free will donation. If you need gifts wrapped but cannot attend the stroll, please reach out to us so we can assist you.

The Sunshine Snippers 4-H Club thanks you for your continued support and wish everyone a happy holiday season!