Unoffical Minutes from the Big Sandy Public School District #2 & #11 Board of Trustees Meeting

Tuesday, November 21 st, 2023 High School Computer Lab, 7:00 PM

Trustees present: Chairman Kelly Rutledge, Brad Weaver, Anna Bold, Matt Myers, Jessica Sheehy Staff Present: Superintendent Dan Schrock, Principal Heather Wolery, District Clerk Mary Merrill Guests: Guest were present

1. Call to Order- Chairman Kelly Rutledge called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm

2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

3. Chairman Kelly Rutledge welcomed the Guests in attendance.

4. There was no public comment.

The Board recognizes the value of public comment and the constitutional rights of the public to participate in governmental operations. To allow fair and orderly expression of public comments, the Board will permit public participation through oral or written comments during this "public comment" section. Individuals wishing to be heard by the Board shall first be recognized by the Chairperson. Individuals will proceed to make comments within a reasonable time period. Citizens may comment on items within the jurisdiction of the school board that are not on this meeting's agenda. Citizens may comment on agenda items when that item is discussed. Citizens may not comment on matters related to student or staff privacy or contested adjudicative matters. The Chairperson may control the comment period to ensure an orderly progression of the meeting.

5. Correspondence was read by chairman Kelly Rutledge.

6. Approval of minutes of the last meeting: Motion made by Brad Weaver, seconded by Matt Myers to approve the minutes of the regularly held meeting October 17th 2023, minutes approved unanimously.

Motion made by Jessica Sheehy, seconded by Matt Myers to approve minutes of the Special Board Meeting held on October 24th, 2023, minutes approved unanimously.

7. Informational updates

1. Shane Chuavet with First Street Rentals, LLC. would like to work with the Board of Trustees to come up with a management plan for the future of the agreement between his rental company and the district's interest in the housing to be available for teachers. Item will be on the January 2024 board meeting agenda for further discussion.

2. Staff Holiday party date and time- January 11th, 2024 at 5pm at The Mint.

3. Special Education testing- Update from Special Education director Amy Terry on new testing applications to ensure the students are at the level they should be.

4. Agricultural Education teacher Lane Taylor gave an update on the progress of the greenhouse that is being built.

8. Reports & Updates

a. National Honor Society & Student Council: report read by student representative on the activities that were held over the past month and the upcoming planned activities.

b. Booster Club- Cheryl Strutz was present and gave an update on clothing, gear, banners

and projects.

c. Technology Report - none.

d. Clerks report: The FY 22 audit response and plan to correct audit findings was accepted by the State.

Scholarship monies will be run through the district upon approval of completion of new fund, in order to comply with audit finding.

9 months worth of overdue payments to First Street Rentals will be caught up and paid out of the Rental/lease revenue fund.

The ESSER III application resubmission and approval will ensure proper draw down of available funds for past coding.

Claims to include payments to local businesses for gift certificates for all District Staff for Christmas.

i. Approval of Claims: Motion made by brad, anna seconded, claims #49694-49722, 49736-49758 approved unanimously.

e. AD report- Melanie’s report was attached to the board packet and read by trustees.

f. Principals Report -There was a discussion about the survey sent out by Principal Wolery to the staff and the students.

g. Superintendent's Report- Dan Schrock detailed his report and gave an additional update on the boiler system and heating issues in the high school building.

9. Action Items

Old Business

New Business

a. Classified payday handbook update change to reflect the district approved pay date change from the 24th of the month to the 15th of the month for Classified staff. Anna Bold made a motion to approve, Jessica Sheehy seconded, no discussion, pay date wording change in classified handbook approved.

b. Public Use of High School Gym and Annex Access, Fee, Hours of operation. Suggestion to add “refuse or rescind” to waiver and topic will be added to December board meeting for approval after legal is reviewed.

a. Substitute approvals, pending background checks- Karen Jesperson for a district wide teaching substitute and Trent Cline as a district wide substitute custodian. Motion to approve made by Brad Weaver, seconded by Jessica Sheehy, motion to approve as substitutes as listed above for the remainder of the 2023/2024 school year approved unanimously.

B. Volunteer wrestling coach, pending background check-Scott Lafurgey. Motion to approve made by Anna Bold, seconded by Brad Weaver. Motion to approve Scott Lafurgey as volunteer wrestling coach for 2023/2024 season approved unanimously.

C. Hiring of Route Driver/activity bus driver- Scott Lafurgey. Motion to approve made by Anna, seconded by Matt , Discussion, Scott Lafuregy approved unanimously for bus route and activity driver for remainder of 2023/2024 school year pending background check.

e. Hiring of Assistant wrestling coach- Tucker Taylor. Motion to approve made by Anna Bold, seconded by Brad weaver. Discussion. Motion to approve Tucker Taylor as assistant varsity wrestling coach for the 2023/2024 season approved unanimously.

f. Invoice due for Kelley Connect service maintenance agreement, amount over

$5000.00. Motion to approve made by Brad Weaver, seconded by Kelly Rutledge. Approved unanimously.

g. Creation of a new fund, number 285, for all new scholarships that are set up to be managed by the district and as a place that scholarship funds can be transferred into and paid out of directly to students via claims. Motion to approve the creation of Fund 285 made by Brad Weaver, seconded by Matt Myers, discussion. Motion approved unanimously.

h. Per FY audit findings from 2020, 2021 & 2022, requirement of board approval to finalize an agreement with Chouteau County to invest in accounts separate from the county for all non-district held scholarship funds. Motion for approval to work on an agreement with Chouteau County made by Anna Bold, seconded by Brad Weaver. Discussion. Motion to approve creation of an agreement with Chouteau County to allow for non- district held scholarship funds approved unanimously.

i. School District Cleanliness-Chairman Kelly Rutledge spoke to cleanliness issues within the school buildings in the district. Discussion on management and job duties needing clarification.

j. Adult Education User Agreement Language-No action.

k. Date change for regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting in December to avoid conflict with School Christmas Concert- Monday the 18th 7pm. Motion made by Brad Weaver to accept the date change, seconded by Jessica Sheehy, date change

approved unanimously.

10. Next Board Meeting will be held on Monday, December 18th at 7pm in the High School Computer Lab.

11. Adjourn- Kelly Rutledge, Chairman, adjourned the meeting at 8:48pm

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