The Man Behind The Mask An interview of Chase Gasvoda, BSHS MASCOT

What made you volunteer to be the Big Sandy Pioneer mascot?

So I could show people we have bravery, strength, and courage. I wanted to show pride for our teams.

How do you feel knowing you're the mascot?

I feel amazing. There is something special about being able to show the Pioneers I am there to support them and remind them of who they are.

Do you ever get nervous by being in front of such a large crowd?

Sometimes I do. I really do not like when the crowd is quiet, but when everyone is cheering with me, I am no longer scared.

Do you feel that you contribute to our school by taking on the role of being the mascot? How so?

Yes, people in our community often tell me that I'm a good mascot and that I make the games so much better. I feel that I help them win with all of the pride I have.

Would you say you have helped with some of the volleyball wins?

Absolutely, they know that I am their friend and I am there to cheer them on. Even when they don't win, I still love them and still love being with them.

What is something you want to say to the volleyball team?

I am so proud of you guys. I feel that I am key to helping you all win. Your season was so good and I am happy to be your friend and your mascot.

As the mascot what do you want them to see in you?

I want them to see that I am their biggest fan. I truly believe that my cheering will help them win if they believe in me too.

What are you hoping to see next season in basketball?

For the girls to train very hard and to believe in themselves. I hope they see what I see in them. I know that if they practice enough they will win.

When you leave high school, who do you want to be the mascot?

I love being the mascot but I would love for my cousin Ashley Gasvoda to be the next mascot.

What do you have to say to the community?

All of you, I thank you for supporting our teams. Thank you for supporting me and trusting me to be your mascot. I love all of you. Keep pride and love in your heart.

(If you have not yet seen the new Pioneer mascot in full uniform, come to the next home games and watch Chase in action. Go, Pioneers!)

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