Big Sandy Medical Center looks forward to 2024

2023 brought a lot of progress to the goals at BSMC. The end of the calendar year will not end our production though. 2024 will bring a continued effort to get the new building completed and begin clinic operations there, final set up of the new generator, a dining room expansion, removing the carpet from the walls of the nursing home wing, continued efforts to improve the billing process, continued improvement of our nursing care, continued development of our leadership team, more community education, and so much more.

The kitchen addition was completed and has been running smoothly. Kitchen staff are grateful for the added space and organization. North Western Energy installed the 2 inch gas line that is necessary to fuel the new generator. As soon as the Loch electric can get it hooked up we’ll begin testing the functionality and make sure all is working appropriately. It can then be put into operation when the need arises. So far, this mild winter weather has certainly helped with the productivity in all the projects and updates around the facility.

The new clinic building is coming along nicely. The current hold up is an electrical panel that is making a VERY slow journey to Big Sandy, as has been the case with most electrical components lately. The facility has began to purchase furniture and equipment that will be necessary for operations at the clinic and adds to that shopping list frequently. When the day comes that operations do finally move over to the new building, you will still be greeted with the same quality care you experience now. You’ll see the same clinic staff team you work with now. Abbey, Suzy, and Morgan will be able to run some blood tests, rapid tests for Strep, influenza, RSV, and Covid. Cheyenne, the new Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, will also see her clients there. She is seeing clients now, if you would like to work on your mental health in the new year, please call 406.378.2189 to schedule with her.

When you come for routine outpatient procedures, like catheter changes, or wound care, then you’d come straight to the hospital instead to see one of the nurses there. Physical therapy will remain at the blue building. And of course, if you need Emergency Care, you’ll still go to the Emergency Room Entrance like you do right now. All the staff with help guide you to the right places when the time comes.

After the clinic has moved out, we’ll start construction on the current clinic rooms to prepare for the installation of the CT machine. In the meantime, planning is well under way to expand the dining room. If you’ve been to visit lately, or even watch the activities on the Faebook page, you’ve seen how crowded it gets when everyone is at a meal or activity. Even more so if their family is in for a visit for the day. One wall will be removed and a doorway expanded as well to help mitigate that problem. The carpet on the bottom of the wall will be removed and replaced with a durable tile surface that is cleanable and can withstand the inevitable wheelchair scuffs and dings. The Maintenance Department is also receiving quotes for new windows, air conditioner units, and a call light system. The ‘nursing home’ wing of the facility was added in 1985, there has been very few updates to the space in the last 40 years, these are all necessary and welcome changes.

Staff development continues in the New Year as well. All employees will have their BLS (CPR) training renewed and nurses will be completing their ACLS, PALS, and TNCC (these certificates prepare staff for life-threatening situations) by April. They are also implementing a NICHE (Nurses Improving Care for Healthcare Elders) care model to improve fall rates and overall care provided to our elder population.

The December Board meeting brought a favorable audit report and the approval to rent the bench outside of the bank as well as a billboard 6 miles north of Box Elder. Be on the lookout for those soon. The new Board officers will be elected after the first of the year. To gain more insight on the happenings at the Board Meetings, you can read the meeting minutes on the website. The website got a full revamp this summer, so if you haven’t visited it recently, check it out at There you will also find a list of the labs that can be completed in our facility without a doctors order. If you’re ready to take control of your health and wellness in the new year, we’d love to help you. Labs, diabetic education, and annual wellness exams are all provided here at Big Sandy Medical Center. Call 406.378.2189 for more information or to scheduled your visit anytime. Thank you for allowing us to serve you in 2023, we look forward to all the growth and changes coming in 2024 and are grateful that you’l be along for the ride.