Big Sandy holds annual Gun Show

The Big Sandy Gun Show took place last weekend, drawing increased traffic to the community and providing its usual shot in the arm to local small businesses. Keith Hanson, who organized the show, explained that the event has continued to draw new vendors as well as crowds of local shoppers.

"We ended up with 17 vendors and 53 tables. We added three new vendors to the gun show this year." He also noted that one of the vendors added a clothing line to their display this year. Regarding the turnout for the event, Hanson remarked that, "As of Saturday afternoon, we've had some really good turnout as far as the public. I thank God every day that the weather turned and got a little warmer. So far people are happy. People are smiling. I guess the warm weather is what brought them in."

This year's event featured some new elements as well as many returning vendors, who have found the Big Sandy community and the company of the regular vendors an experience they'd rather not miss. One notable addition to the program took place at the opening of show every day during the weekend. Hunter Moore, who attends Big Sandy High School, kicked off each morning playing the Star Spangled Banner on his trumpet. His mother, Sheri Moore explained to me that the whole thing was the idea of his grandparents, the Ottos, who saw the Cody Gun show open in the same manner. "They thought it was a great idea. It was just a nice little touch to start out the show." Both Sheri and his grandfather, Ron Otto, expressed a great deal of pride in Hunter's performance. Hunter explained that, "Playing the national anthem (at the show) was kind of stressful but it was fun to play in a place I was more comfortable." Hunter can be seen playing at Big Sandy High School band events and with the Pep Band.

One of the other prominent additions to the show could be seen by visitors before they walked in the door of City Hall. A Can-Am Defender sat next to the door with signage announcing it as a raffle prize. The St. Margaret Mary Youth Group ran a vendor table at the front of the hall, selling raffle tickets to raise money for a pilgrimage trip to Rome, which they are planning to take in 2025. In addition to the Defender, the church is also awarding a half a pork for second prize, and a $200 gas card for the third prize recipient. The drawing will take place on July 5th, which gives those who want to purchase tickets plenty of time to do so. Petra Yirsa, who was selling tickets Saturday afternoon, explained that you can purchase tickets at Ezzies in Big Sandy, from either Judy Yirsa or herself. She also explained that any member of the youth group at the Catholic Church can sell the tickets. There is also a link on Facebook where tickets can be purchased online. They are $20 for an individual ticket or six for $100.

The Defender was purchased by the church for the raffle, though Petra explained: "We did purchase the Defender, but they did give us a considerable discount. It was through Reds and Torgersons in Havre. They helped us out quite a bit." You can see the Defender on display or purchase tickets at Reds in Havre as well.

I spoke with vendors and patrons, who universally expressed pleasure with the event. One vendor, who was on his third return visit to our community, explained that our local show was one he wouldn't miss. He cited local hospitality and the great community amongst the vendors as the reason for his high opinion of the event. Customers expressed similar praise, often commenting that they look forward to spending time chatting with the vendors who come through. The universal sentiment is that these are the elements that make the Big Sandy Gun Show a gem amongst local events, which locals look forward to every year.

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