Dana Darlington announces bid for House District 26

BIG SANDY, MT - Dana Darlington today announced his bid for the MT House District 26 seat which encompasses all of Chouteau and part of Cascade County. Darlington is a fourth-generation farmer and rancher, a husband, dad, and grandpa.

Darlington has long been a champion for the Ag community. His role in advocacy began nearly 25 years ago when he was elected to the Big Sandy Conservation District in 2000, where he served as chairman of the board, and currently serves as a director. He has also served on the Missouri River Conservation District Council, the Bureau of Land Management Resource Advisory Council (BLM RAC,) and most recently completed a four-year term on the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA) as a director for the North Central District.

Darlington is concerned with protecting private property and water rights, and says "government has gotten too big - the red tape is choking farmers, ranchers, and small business owners." If elected, Darlington says he will bring a much-needed voice to rural Montanans.


Dana Darlington, (406) 386-2476