Green Acres

Master Gardener Level 1 Class in Fort Benton (please pre-register)

MSU Extension level 1 Master Gardener classes will take place in Fort Benton. Now is your chance to participate in an excellent educational opportunity. The class will begin on March 7th at the Chouteau County ambulance building. Please contact the MSU Chouteau County Extension office at 622-3751 to pre-register.

The Level 1 Master Gardener course requires 16 hours of class time, and is taught by local Extension agents, plant professionals, and Master Gardener volunteers. For a $50.00 fee, participants will receive the Montana Master Gardener Handbook and other informative handouts pertaining to the class. Level 1 Master Gardener participants will learn about:

• Introduction to Montana State University Extension and the Master Gardener program

• Soils and fertility (N-P-K-Fe)

• Plant growth and development

• Vegetable gardening

• Growing small fruit

• Growing and caring for flowers

• Trees, shrubs, vines and pruning

• Lawns and irrigation

• Composting

• Introduction to Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Participants do not have to become certified to take the class. To become Level

1 certified, participants must complete the Level 1 Master Gardener course, pass an open-book exam and fulfill a volunteer commitment of a minimum of 20 hours. Please contact MSU Extension Chouteau County at 622-3751 to pre-register.

Montana State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Montana Counties Cooperating. MSU Extension is an equal opportunity/affirmative action provider of educational outreach.