Town of Big Sandy City Council Unoffical minutes

Regular Meeting February 8, 2024

Mayor Schwarzbach called the meeting to order and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Council members present: Krystyl Kulbeck, Rich Jespersen, Danielle Weaver and Jon Sheehy on Zoom

Staff present: Wendy Kleinsasser and Tim Labuda

Public: Dennis Hale and Gary Johnson of KLJ

Approval of Meeting Minutes: Rich Jespersen moved to approve both sets of the January meeting minutes. Danielle Weaver seconded and the motion passed.

Sheriff’s Report: None

Public Comment: Dennis Hale informed the Council that he is in the process of getting a Federal arms license for a home based fire arms business and asked that the Mayor sign a letter stating he would not be in violation of any zoning laws.

Pivot: Nothing new

New Pool report: Rich Jespersen told the Council that the grant application has been forwarded to the National Park Service and that they are asking lots of questions and request detailed drawings of the pool house and a project calendar. The pool committee will meet in the next 30 days to go over things with the engineers.

KLJ: Gary Johnson of KLJ reported that they are trying to meet DEQ’s requests for information and treatment building redesign. Mayor Schwarzbach had a conference call with both Gary and Luke LaLiberty of KLJ earlier in the day regarding those items.

Bear Paw Development: Sara Strissell of Bear Paw Development sent an email with an update on the old hotel. They are preparing an Analysis to Brownfield Cleanup Alternatives, which will take a few weeks to complete. This will steer the bidding and public meeting process. Once that is all figured out, Sara can take it to the Brownsfield Steering committee and begin preparing for a public meeting.

New Business:

Electrical upgrades to city hall: the current electrical system is in need of updating. It was discussed that the town should look into purchasing a generator for use in a prolonged power outage should people need a place to go to stay warm. The system should be upgraded in preparation.

Roof Tin: The Clerk will prepare an ad for closed bids to sell the tin that was removed from city hall.

Sworn statement of loss to MMIA: Jon Sheehy moved that the Mayor sign and have the statement notarized for the insurance payment on city hall roof. Danielle Weaver seconded and the motion passed.

Old Business:

Firemen’s Interlocal: Krystyl and Jon will meet and go over the changes suggested by MMIA and the town’s attorney.

County Airport Resolution: Rich Jespersen moved that the Mayor sign the agreement with the county extending the existing agreement. Krystyl Kullbeck seconded and the motion passed.

Resolution 2024-16: Rich Jespersen moved to pass Resolution 2024-16. Krystyl Kulbeck seconded and it passed unanimously on a roll call vote.

Community Decay: Nothing new.

Committee Reports: None

Mayor: None.

Public Works: None

Clerk: The shut off list was distributed electronically.

The correspondence was distributed.

Claims: Rich Jespersen moved to accept the claims; Danielle Weaver seconded; motion passed.

General Journal Voucher: Rich Jespersen moved to accept JV 2024-07. Danielle Weaver seconded; motion passed.

The next meeting will be March7th.

Rich Jespersen moved to adjourn. Danielle Weaver seconded and the motion passed.

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