Vegas is here; the Rotary Club banque

The Big Sandy Rotary Club hopes you would be interested in contributing to their 39th Annual Benefit Banquet. It started 40 years ago, but there wasn’t one during COVID. They scheduled it for March 16, 2024, and it has been held since 1984. Banquet proceeds support a long list of recipients: Volunteer Fire Department & EMTs, Food Bank, Senior Center, Rotary Youth Leadership Center (RYLA), the Library, The Swim Pool Project, Big Sandy Activities, Medical Center, Historical Society, Big Sandy Cemetery, the annual East Egg Hunt; upkeep of the local parks and recreational facilities-including the disc golf course; Decorations for Christmas and Patriotic or Pioneer Banners; support for many additional community and school activities, and too numerous to list. With your support, over $750,000 has been given back to our community! We could not do this without you!

A cash contribution or prize from you is a great way to let the community and surrounding areas know that you support the Big Sandy Rotary Club. We are an official 501 (3) club, our taxpayer ID #is 81-0403383. We have three levels of cash sponsorship: God Sponsors $500 & above; Silver Sponsors $300-$499; and Bronze Sponsors $150-$299. Please make your cash contributions BEFORE March 1, 2024, so we can properly recognize your donation! Send contributions to Big Sandy Rotary Club PO Box 224 Big Sandy, MT 59520

I always enjoy sitting down with Shon Tester. He is always expressive, so it’s fun to interview him. “This is our yearly banquet, the big Bambino for our club and the community too. It’s a lovely buffer zone for the doldrums this wintertime. So I’m looking forward to it. Last year, I was under the weather, so it was a lousy program. I apologize for that. But this year, I’m on point, and this Vegas theme will be hysterical. I have actual, real surprises showing up for this community. It took me months to line this up. I’m not blowing smoke in your face. And I got confirmation yesterday.” It sounds like him, doesn’t it?

You can get a ticket from any Rotarian, and if you don’t know who the Rotarians are, you can go to the bank or the Grocery Store. The tickets are $100, but that’s good for two people. “It is a prime rib dinner, wonderful dinner. And, of course, it comes with the silent auction and some games like Plinko or roulette, Vegas-themed games this year. And also a program. It’s essentially a fancy Carnival, is what it is. And we really encourage people to dress up when it comes to Vegas. Vegas is the epicenter of pop culture. It is the monument to our country’s most notable pop culture events. Costumes are always encouraged because it makes it more fun.”

Shon asked the Club to host the Happy Hour this year. It is for one hour before the banquet, between 5 and 6. All you need to do is show them your Rotary ticket, and you will receive 50% off the entire bar.

Another thing is we have some new chairs this year, as the Rotary has started to buy different, more sturdy chairs for the event.

“There’s going to be a lot of special items at this year’s banquet. One of the things that I’m most proud of is the flag that has flown over the United States Capitol. When you look at the dome in the middle, there’s a statue of a lady at the very top, and you follow her down. The closest flag to her will be that flag flown above the Capitol 10 years ago. And it will be on auction this year. It comes with certificates of authenticity that ten years ago, that flag flew above our United States Capitol overlooking our nation’s capital.”

“The set will feel like you’ve walked into a casino in Vegas during the 1960s and 70s. You know, fabric on the walls kind of feel okay, everything shiny. Again, it’s at the gymnasium at 6 pm.”

Shon said he wanted to give a big shout-out to all the sponsors this year, not just from Big Sandy but also Havre and Fort Benton. The Rotary Banquet is well supported because everyone knows the good it does for our community. So join the fun with a Vegas celebration and eat a meal with your neighbors.

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