Big Sandy Highschool music department granted Kettle Drums

A Montana Masonic Foundation Grant was awarded to Big Sandy High school's Music Program. The grant funded was $4,952.00 for the purchase of two Kettle Drums. TJ Bond wrote, "These drums are a foundational sound in many band setting and ours have been extremely past due to be replaced. With these new drums, our bank will perform with a much fuller sound which will help concerts here as well as it competition. It is a huge honor to receive money for these drums, they are very expensive!"

Their press release included. "The Montana Masonic Foundation's Educational Grant Program provides teachers, student aides, and/or principals in Montana's public schools an opportunity to apply for a grant to assist under-funded programs in the following areas: Music; drama; Science; and Library; or, areas of student enhancement or learning that have suffered cut-backs, or are experiencing start-up concerns."

"Proudly supporting public education in communities all over the great state of Montana is a primary purpose of the Montana Masonic Foundation. Since 2015, the Montana Masonic Foundation has distributed over $600,000 to public schools-over $100K in 2023 alone!"

"Other meaningful project that the MMF has sponsored in the past include donating $9k to an "all-abilities playground" in Missoula. We encourage educators to apply for grants during our grant cycles, which opens October 1, and closes December 31. Those who submit grant requests will be notified ad to whether their request has been funded or not in the following January. Arrangements for checks to be distributed occurs in February and March."

"Established in 1960, the Montana Masonic Foundation (MMF) is a 501 (c)(3) that dispenses charity (public and private); encourages and promotes free public education and schools through endowments, grants, scholarships; as well as host a Masonic Library and e MMF's "kindles for Kids" reading achievement program encourages school children to learn to enjoy reading. The Montana Masonic Foundation purchases Kindles, and outside donors (such as Masonic lodges) receive them at a matching half price (up to the program designated funding limit) These are then awarded to students at the end of the program as a reward and encouragement for reading."

"The MMF's Museum houses a collection of artifacts mostly related to Freemasonry(one of the Marquis de Lafayett's Masonic jewels, for instance) and from territorial development through statehood of Montana-such as the trowel that lad the cornerstone for the capitol building. It is especially known however for displaying an object with a significant Montana legacy; the Masonic apron of Meriwether Lewis."

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