City Council Meeting hears plan for removal of old hotel

The primary order of business at the Big Sandy City Council Meeting was the removal of Big Sandy’s Old Hotel downtown, which was built in 1916. It is full of asbestos, and the discussion was on removing it. Granite Peak Environment, LLC provided three alternatives to the Bear Paw Development Corporation, which has written and received a grant for its removal. Bear Paw has asked the city to provide in-kind services. There are three alternatives. One is to do nothing; the other two discuss the best time to remove the asbestos: Alternative 2-ACBM abatement during building demolition and Alternative 3 ACBM abatement prior to building demolition. In alternative 3 although the health risks from the asbestos for those in the demolition is removed it does not remove public safety risks. Although alternative 3 is challenging to implement because of the rotting floors in the building. For that reason, the preferred alternative is number two.

With this grant, there is a time for public review and comment. “A copy of this plan will be available to the public on Bear Paw’s website at Public comment will be accepted until May 13, 2024, at 5:00 MST. Comments will be documented in writing, a response will be provided to each comment, and relevant comments will be incorporated into the final cleanup design and approach. Please submit all comments in writing to Julea Robbins, Interim Brownfield Coordinator Bear Paw Development Corporation,”

Leslie Gregory, Big Sandy Pool Manager, said ads will be placed in the Big Sandy Mountaineer for lifeguards this summer. The minimum wage has been increased to $10.30. The slide will need to be removed. She also reported that Sophie Rechielt will take over the swim lessons this summer. There was a discussion of the price for family passes. In Big Sandy, a family pass for the summer was $125 compared to $175 to $200 in other local pools. A vote to increase family passes will be taken on May 9.

There was a discussion about open burning in Big Sandy. It was always understood that there is no open burning in the town; however, the city council is looking at clearer wording on the subject.

There is a court date for Community Decay warrants on May 23.

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