Recently Pamela Morris, granddaughter of noted cowboy photographer Charles Morris, spent an entire day visiting our Big Sandy Cultural Center.In 1903, Morris and his wife pitched their photography tent at theend of Main Street where they sold his photographs of early areacowboys and ranchers. Mrs. Morris expertly colorized many of the black and white photos that the couple turned into popular postcards.

They were good friends of the Tingley family and of artist Charles M. Russell. The Center has many Morris prints made from his originalglass plate negatives. Some Morris photos were used by Mountaineerpublisher Lou Lawrence in the entertaining books he published documenting early area history.

Later, the Morris couple moved to Chinook, where Charles was involvedin the business community. He made rare photos of Fort Assinniboine,Havre, Chinook, Harlem, then expanded with travels throughout thewest and made his fortune selling postcards worldwide.

Some heremay remember Pamela Morris’ father Bill Morris of Morris SportingGoods store in Great Falls, where she grew up.

While here, Pamela Morris donated a notable book about her grandfatherand was impressed by the work of local artist Heather Sherburn.

Visitors are invited to come to the Center and see the Morris pictures, other Big Sandy photos and a set of early Russell drawings. We areselling 13x19 inch Russell prints.

We also had a visitor from Alaska, and this summer we’ll present community programs of Big Sandy in World War Two, discussion of our two internationally famous authors, a student piano clinic and concert by Phillip Aaberg, and a special workshop called So You Want to Dance for students interested in the art of dancing.

To raise funds for a worthy cause, consider holding a Movie Night At the Center. We have a catalog of over 600 films to showfor free, and viewers can bring food, refreshments and make donations to the chosen cause.

For information, comments and visiting, contact Doug Giebelat 406-378-2430, or email