Unofficial Minutes Big Sandy School Minutes for the April meeting

Trustees present: Chairman Kelly Rutledge, Anna Bold, Brad Weaver, Matt Myers, Jessica Sheehy

Visitors present

Administration present: Superintendent Dan Schrock

District Clerk Mary Merrill

Principal Heather Wolery, absent. Phoned in for Principal’s report

1. Meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm by Chairman Rutledge.

2. Chairman Rutledge led all in attendance in the Pledge of Allegiance

3. Chairman Rutledge welcomed all guests in attendance.

4. Public Comment- None

5. Correspondence- None

6. Approval of Minutes from previous meeting- Brad Weaver made a motion to approve the board minutes from the regularly scheduled board meeting held on Tuesday, March 19th, 2024. A second was made by Kelly Rutledge, no discussion, approval of minutes from previous meeting unanimous.

7. Big Sandy Educational Foundation Award- representative of the foundation, Brad Moore, presented a short synopsis on the background of the Educational Foundation to all of those present. The Foundation had requested a logo be designed by the students of Art Teacher Ms. Jaramillo and Brad Moore was in attendance to present a gift certificate to the top four students of the winning designs and to present to the art teacher a gift of

$500.00 to go to the art program.

8. Reports and updates

a. NHS- Advisor Ms. Jaramillo reported that members are still working on attaining service hours needed.

b. Student council–Student representative reported that the council has been continuing projects. They had a good easter egg hunt. The Council is continuing to honor a Student of the month and future plan were spoke of.

c. Booster Club-Representative Melanie S. reported that the club has sent out a wish list request to each coach as the club would like to contribute to programs to supplement with equipment, etc.

d. Technology- Travis Baumann was in attendance to report that he is ensuring the District is maintaining it’s yearly compliance with CIPA.

e. Clerks Report-Business Manager/Clerk Mary Merrill reported that the FY 2023 annual financial audit has been scheduled for June 2024

i. Approval of DIrect deposit batch #310, Payroll Checks #37789-37816 and Claims. Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve, seconded by Matt Myers and all DD, payroll and claims approved unanimously. f.AD report- Melanie Schwarzbach reported that she will try to have a remainder of her coaching recommendations at the next meeting. Received a kickback check from NFHS in the amount of 1500.00. Update on senior classic, girls are playing. We have two unified athletes this year and now that there are events designed specifically with the unified athletes in mind they will have the opportunity to participate in more events.

g. Principal report- Principal Wolery was not able to attend but called in to give her report. Carnival was successful. Mental health screening was conducted today. Smarter balance testing was today. Child find is coming up for kindergarten registration.

h. Superintendent report- Superintendent Dan Schrock spoke to the report he sent out to trustees, highlighting his focus on receiving a bid for repairs to the locker room after the water damage earlier this year, his employee evaluations, his joint effort with Principal Wolery on submittal of the Profile of a Montana Graduate accreditation report, the writing and submission of a grant to Bear Paw Development with the hopes of receiving funding for the HVAC work on the buildings and his plan to begin the process to update the District Strategic Plan.

9. Old Business

a. Bus driver retention bonus: Superintendent Dan received data from multiple school districts when reaching out regarding bus driver rates and retention bonuses. He spoke to using a matrix versus a flat rate for salaries. A member of the audience suggested that a request for bids be advertised again in hopes of retaining a contractor to run the routes.

b. Certified staff renewal- Brad Weaver made a motion to accept the renewal of the contract for non-tenured certified teacher Stephanie Overbay for FY 2024-2025 Matt Myers seconded, motion to approve the renewal passed unanimously.

c. Model Safe Return to School and Continuity of Services Plan: Superintendent Schrock reports that not much has necessarily changed and the district does still have protools in place, should we ever need to return to an environment that requires the protocols to be implemented, meeting the requirement.

10. New Business

a. AD Melanie Schwarzbach made a strong recommendation to hire Tucker Taylor for head HIgh school FB coach, given his dedication to the team as assistant coach for 6 years and recommended the hiring of Ryne Labuda as assistant coach for the 2024 football season. Brad Weaver made a motion to approve, Anna Bold seconded the motion, no discussion, motion to approve passed unanimously. AD Melaine Schwarzbach highly recommended the hiring of Brittany McKenney for Varsity high school Volleyball for the 2024 Volleyball season and Morgan Simpson as the assistant volleyball coach. Matt Myers made a motion to approve the hiring, Kelly Rutledge seconded the motion, no discussion, motion passed unanimously to hire for the 2024 Volleyball Season.

b. Ratification of the Collective Bargaining Agreement- Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the ratification of the 2024-2026 Collective Bargaining Agreement as it is written with changes made upon the completion of the 2024 negotiations between the Big Sandy Teachers Association and the Big Sandy Board of Trustees negotiation committee, Matt Myers seconded the motion, discussion, motion passed unanimously.

c. MTSBA policy updates- Upon review of required updates, the Trustees will present as a second reading at the next meeting for approval.

d. Creation of a committee to oversee the investments of the Big Sandy School District Scholarship Funds- Brad Weaver made a motion to create a committee, composed of the Superintendent and the Business Manager, that will oversee the investments of the Big Sandy School District scholarship funds, Matt Myers seconded the motion, discussion, motion to approve creation of the committee passed unanimously.

e. Retirement Benefit request- Upon discussion of the retirement request by a certified tenured teacher, Brad Weaver made a motion to deny the retirement benefit request as it was written. Jessica Sheehy seconded the motion. Discussion. Motion to deny the retirement benefit request as it was written passed unanimously.

f. Obsolete bus- The district would like to take advantage of the clean diesel program and obsolete the C-bus as it is no longer in working condition to meet standards. Motion to obsolete the C bus made by Anna Bold, motion seconded by Matt Myers, motion to obsolete passed unanimously.

g. Principal Evaluation- Principal Wolery called in for her evaluation and requested an executive session. The Board of Trustees went into closed session at 8:18.

Pm and returned to an open meeting at back in 8:35 pm

h. Business Manager Evaluation- Business Manager Mary Merrill requested an executive session. The meeting was closed at 8:35pm and the meeting was opened at 8:53pm. Chairman Kelly Rutledge moved the business manager and principal contract renewal to the next regularly scheduled May 2024 board of trustees meeting.

11. Next regular board of trustees meeting to be held Tuesday, May 2, 2024.

12. Meeting adjourned by Kelly Rutledge at 9:04pm

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