Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,

As a 4th generation Montanan, I feel privileged to have grown up in one of the many farming and ranching communities dotting the landscape of eastern Montana. I was taught old school values, love of God, family, country, and the merit of a hard day's work. Sense of community was strong, a man’s word was his bond, neighbors helped neighbors, and Sunday mornings found most folks gathered in church. As a WW2 veteran, my father was proud of his service to his country and understood that the freedoms we each enjoy were purchased at a very high price. Collectively, these timeless ideals have contributed to a culture unique to Montana.

Montana and our nation desperately need leadership. Politicians putting politics over principles have led to an open border, illegal immigration, drug smuggling, increased crime and violence along with threats of terrorism. Deficit spending has produced a weak economy & high inflation, and the current administration’s war on energy has increased costs at the pump and left us vulnerable as a nation. These current policies are hurting our farms, ranches, and main street businesses and threaten the fabric of our country.

Because of this, I am endorsing Ric Holden for Congress. Ric’s roots run deep in Montana. Ric and his wife Jan ranch and farm near Glendive in Dawson Country. They built their ranch from the ground up, and like many, hope to pass this rich heritage and culture on to the next generation. While serving in the Montana Senate, Ric fought for agricultural issues, earning him “A” ratings from numerous farm organizations. Ric is one of us, our neighbor, our friend, a “regular Joe”. His straight talk and honesty is refreshing and desperately needed in Washington, DC. As another election year is quickly approaching, Montanans are being asked to vote. Choose wisely! I humbly ask you to join me in voting for Ric Holden for Congress.

Ted Nordhagen

Westby, MT