Unofficial Minutes Big Sandy School District #2 Regular Meeting Board of Trustees

Held in the high school computer lab at 7:00pm

May 21 2024

Trustees in Attendance: Chair Kelly Rutledge, Vice Chair Brad Weaver, Anna Bold, Jessica Sheehy, Matt Myers

Administration in Attendance: Superintendent Dan Schrock, Principal Heather Wolery

District Clerk Mary Merrill

Onboarding Trustees present- Amanda Hoffman, Kyle Danreuther

• Meeting called to order at 7pm by Chairman Rutledge

• Pledge was recited by all in attendance.

• Public Comment

• Correspondence- None

• Approval of Minutes from previous regular board of trustees meeting held on April 16th 2024: Motion to approve minutes as written of board meeting held on April 16th, 2024 made by Brad Weaver. Motion seconded by Anna Bold, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.


• Student council representative was in attendance and reported on events and the Student of the Month recognition project that has gone well. The council brought in snacks for during semester tests. Thanked everyone for their support throughout the year,

• National Honor Society-Advisor Ms. J reported- that community dinner movie night had to be canceled due to a power outage and that they hope to reschedule

• ech report- Travis Baumann reported that he is in the process of getting quotes for new laptops, etc.

• Athletic Director Melanie Shcwarzbach updated the board on the current status of the open coaching positions and that she will not leave the positions open for too long out of fairness for the applicants that have submitted applications.

• Clerks Report-Mary Merrill spoke to the current status of the fund balances and about the startup of the Summer Food Service program.

• Approval of claims and payroll- Motion made by Jessica Sheehy to approve all claims and payroll warrants and direct deposit for the previous month, motion seconded by Matt Myers, no discussion, motion approved unanimously.

• Principals report- Heather Wolery thanked Vice Chair Brad Weaver, Superintendent Dan Shrock, Mary Merrill and Dianna Keane for their help with graduation while she was out of town. She reported on finishing up the school year and will have a lot of end of the year data available for the June board meeting.

• Superintendent report- Dan Shrock spoke to the following: Facilities update- Repair work for locker room damage is scheduled for June. Summer maintenance projects- One project is replacement of the carpet in the SPED room at the grade school. Equipment upgrades- New mower has been purchased to replace an older mower as well as a sweeper to maintain the parking lot and grounds. New 6 foot boom sprayer to allow the maintenance crew to maintain the weeds rather than needing to hire out for the job. Staffing- A new 4th grade teacher has been hired to replace retiring 4th grade teacher but the position for a 5th grade teacher remains open and no applications have been received to date. Superintendent Schrock spoke to his appreciation for the dedication of the outgoing board members and handed out plaques as a token of appreciation. Wecomed the new board members.

Action Items-

Old Business

• MTSBA updates-For second reading, Brad Weaver made a motion to approve, Anna Bold seconded and motion to approve MTSBA policy updates as written approved unanimously.

• Business Manager contract renewal- Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the administrative insurance request of employee plus spouse insurance premium paid by the district for business manager Mary Merrill, Matt Myers seconded, motion carried and administrative insurance request approved unanimously.

• Principal Contract renewal- Heather Wolery requested the same raise as certified staff approval during 2024 CBA negotiations of 2.5% and to have her annual rotary fee covered by the district. Discussion and request for Rotary fee covered was denied by the board of trustees Request for raise approved, Anna Bold moved to accept the 2.5% raise increase as proposed, Matt Myers seconded, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

New business

• Out of district- Superintendent Schrock spoke to this policy and how the district will move forward to implement the policy; siblings of families out of district already attending will be given priority, as will teachers that live out of district and will be bringing students in. Our policy will be in addition to policy 3141. Discussion ensued. Will address the second reading at the June meeting.

• Teacher retirement request- Mrs. Keller spoke to her request. Discussion ensued- Anna Bold made a motion to deny, motion to second denial made by Jessica Sheehy, discussion, motion to table request made by Brad Weaver, motion to second tabling of request made by Matt Myers, motion to table and move request to next meeting approved unanimously, tabled to next board meeting in June.

• Art teacher Jess Jaramillo requested that an art activity account be created. Motion to create a new activity fund account in which funding from donations and art sales could be used to support the activities and supplies needed for an art club made by Brad Weaver, Matt Myers seconded, creation of new art activity funds account approved unanimously.

• Classified High school office manager request- Wendy Taylor spoke to her request but with the trustees not having received her request in writing, requested to have it tabled until the next meeting. Discussion. Anna Bold made a motion to table high school office manager request until the June Board meeting, Matt Myers seconded, approved unanimously and request moved to June agenda.

• Independent Counseling Contract Renewal for Dianna Keane- Dan recommends renewing the contract for 2024/2025, Brad Weaver made a motion to renew contract, Anna Bold seconded, renewal of contract for Dianna Keane for 2024/2025 approved unanimously.

• Tech Contract- Motion to approve contract as written, made by Brad Weaver, Kelly Rutledge seconded, discussion from guest in attendance requesting a possible time to schedule time with Travis coming to district for onsite help with staff and technology. Motion carried unanimously.

• Classified wages- Representative from Classified staff, Cheryl strutz- The classified staff would appreciate a 2.25% increase on wage base for 2024/2025 year. Brad Weaver made a motion to approve the increase as requested, bringing the base rate to 10.48/hr. Matt Myers seconded, No discussion, motion passed unanimously.

• SUperintendent Dan Schrock recommended the hiring Jessica Butler for the position of summer food service program manager for the 2024 summer season. Matt Myers made a motion to hire Jessica Butler, Brad Weaver seconded, Discussion, pay rate will be based off current pay in her position, Motion approved unanimously.

• Classified Contracts- Brad withdrew his motion, Anna Bold made a motion to table Wendy Taylors contract from the list of classified staff. Kelly Rutledge seconded, motion to table Wendy Taylor contract passed.

Brad Weaver made a motion to hire all of the classified staff as listed minus the position of High School Office Manager, Anna Bold seconded. Discussion- Amy Terry spoke on behalf of the paraprofessionals, requesting a matrix adjustment and spoke to the duties of paras, and the caseload of special education students in our district and would like to minimize the pay gap on the matrix. Motion to approve the classified staff contracts passed unanimously and the following contracts were approved:

Karen Baumann: 1/1 aide & Para; Rachel Baumgarn, Paraprofessional

Randy Bowlen, Custodian; Derrick Brown, Custodian;

Jessica Butler, assistant cook; Melissa Gasvoda, asst. cook; Twila Grant, Paraprofessional; Lianna Heimbigner, Head Cook; Suzanna Johnson, Elementary Office Manager; Rebecca Johnson, 1/1 aide; Lauretta LaBuda, assistant cook;

Kandi Marino, assistant cook; Charlie Sipler, Head maintenance supervisor;

Cheryl Strutz, Elementary Office Asst; Michael Wright, 1/1 aide.

• Extra duty contracts-Anna Bold made a motion to accept all extra duty contracts as listed, Jessica Sheehy seconded, motion passed and all extra duty Contracts as listed for 2024/2025 approved unanimously:Melanie Schwarzbach, Activity Director; Timothy Bond, Pep Band/Music Director;Shersteen Andreasen, Publications Advisor; Melanie Schwarzbach, Science Olympiad Coach;Sheri Moore, asst. science Olympiad coach; Lane Taylor, FFA Advisor;Jessie Jaramillo, Student Council Advisor; Lane Taylor, 30 day Vo-Ed Stipend,Amy Terry, Special Education Director; Traci Rodewald, Concessions Manager.Dianna Keane, Contracted Guidance 7th Grade Sponsors, Lane Taylor & Tucker Taylor; 8th Grade Sponsor, Shersteen Andreason, 9th Grade Sponsors, James Sant & Ryne Labuda; 10th Grade Sponsors, Melanie Schwarzbach & LindaFinke; 11th Grade Sponsors, TJ Bond & Marla Ray; 12th Grade Sponsors, Traci Rodewald & Jessie Jaramillo.

• 4th grade teaching position hire:, Matt Myers made a motion to approve the hiring of Certified Teacher Brittany Barnett for the 4th grade position for the 2024/2025 school year. Kelly Rutledge seconded, motion passed unanimously and Brittany Barnett hired for 2024/2025 4th grade teaching position

• Individual Transportation contract list as presented- Anna Bold made motion to approve all contracts as listed for the 2024/2025 list, Brad Weaver seconded, motion passed unanimously and all listed individual contracts approved.

• MHSA annual renewal- Jessica Sheehy made a motion to accept the renewal for the 2024/2025 year, Brad weaver seconded, MHSA renewal approved unanimously.

• Election

• Canvas the votes- Anna made a motion to accept official general mill levy results: FOR: 186, AGAINST: 140. Kelly Rutledge seconded the motion, unanimous approval of levy results.

• Certification of Levy financing in the amount of $17,542.81, approximately 2.04 Mills.

• Seating of new board members Amanda Hoffman and Kyle Danreuther by outgoing chairman Kelly Rutledge.

• Appointment of Board Chair- Discussion, Jessica Sheehy made a motion to accept Brad Weaver as Chairman of the Board of Trustees, effective May 21,2024. Matt Myers seconded the motion, Motion passed unanimously.

• Appointment of Vice Chair- Nomination for Jessica Sheehy as Vice Chairperson effective May 21st, 2024 made by Matt Myers, nomination motion seconded by Brad Weaver, appointment of Vice Chairperson approved unanimously.

• Appointment of Clerk- Jessica made a motion to accept Mary Merrill as District Clerk effective May 21st, 2024, Matt Myers made a motion to second, motion approved unanimously, appointment of clerk approved.

• Next meeting is set for June 18th 2024.

• Meeting adjourned at 8:54pm by chairman Brad Weaver.

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