Stand By Charlie

A local benefit for Charlie Putnam (Chelsea Brown's husband), a farrier and roper who had a life-altering ATV accident, will be held on Saturday, July 13th, at 5:00 p.m. at the Jerry Martin Memorial Hall in Big Sandy. There will be live and silent auction items, a raffle, music, and Indian Tacos with a bar and drinks.

Twenty-four hours after driving straight from Stephenville, Texas, to the Brown Ranch southeast of Big Sandy, Charlie was involved in an ATV accident on the ranch that pinned his right, dominant arm. When the ATV was lifted off his arm, it was clear Charlie had more than just a broken arm. There was severe swelling and pressure, also known as compartment syndrome, due to the trauma his arm endured. It is an incredibly time-sensitive injury, and the accident occurred at the furthest point from the house.

EMS transported him to Big Sandy, and Mercy Flight flew him to Benefits in Great Falls for emergency surgery, which occurred five and a half hours after the accident. They were able to save his arm, but little did anyone know Charlie had begun a very long journey. Charlie and Chelsea stayed in Great Falls for two weeks, where he underwent 6 surgeries to continue saving his arm. Those surgeries consisted of repairing five broken bones, cleaning and irrigating his arm, and removing nonviable muscle tissues. After the 6th surgery on day 14 post-accident, it came to a place where the condition of his arm necessitated a higher level of care, so he was transferred to the University of Utah Hospital Plastics Hand Team in Salt Lake City, Utah. At that time, surgeons had removed 70% of nonviable muscle in his right forearm.

Over the following two weeks, Charlie underwent another eight surgeries. Surgeries consisted of cleaning and irrigating his arm, furthering the bone repair process, placing muscle from his back into his arm to fill the void from removing so much muscle, and a skin graft to cover the opening in his arm. The specialists hope for 50-60% mobility and strength to return to his arm. As of June 20th, he has completed his skin graft and is scheduled to be discharged from the hospital on June 27th. Charlie and Chelsea stay in the SLC area for outpatient care for a week and then return to Big Sandy in early July. In three months, Charlie will return to SLC to finish repairing his broken bones and undergo another muscle graft, which will allow him to have grip and strength.

The tremendous support they have received from their family, friends, and communities has been incredibly humbling and inspiring for Charlie and Chelsea. Anyone who wants to donate items to the local benefit may contact Megan Brown (406-262-3405) or Haley Brown (406-930-1768). For those interested in supporting them with monetary donations while Charlie is out of work, a medical account is set up at the First Bank of Montana, a GoFundMe page, and Venmo. A Facebook page has also been set up @StandByCharlie, where regular updates are posted. Donations will cover living expenses while Charlie is unable to work.

Charlie is on a long road to recovery, and thank you to everyone who has been so supportive of Charlie and Chelsea during this difficult time.