Thoughts with Zoe

Christain News Letter available.

So why Uplifting? It’s simple. Augustine of Hippo wrote, “The Christian should be an alleluia from head to foot!” For several years, I have been living a dull/gray Christian experience for the most part. In Celebration of Discipline, Richard Foster wrote, “In the spiritual life, only one thing will produce genuine joy, and that is obedience.” Writing a devotional book/newsletter has been in my heart for years—YEARS! John 15:11 says, “These things I have spoken to you that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full!”

I have come to realize the discipline of celebration is essential to me. I need to experience Jesus every day. The four common disciplines of a Christian are study, worship, prayer, and fellowship. There are more, but we’ll use these five for the sake of this introduction. Yes, you can experience Him in study as we dive into the word, but often, it remains head knowledge. Powerful worship is also a time to experience Him if we use all of our senses, not just our hearing and voice. We can feel his presence if we pray with our whole being and not just use our voices to recite a list of concerns. Being loved by others, especially the one sent to us from Jesus, touches us deeply, but it often only lasts a short time. All crucial discipline but celebration is where I experience him the most. For me, this piece is consuming.

God’s been telling me to celebrate for so long. It’s why he speaks to me the way he does. I’ve tried to be obedient, but it falls by the wayside. It could be months before I pick it up again. I have devotions going back 20 years that I’ve written, and then I let it go, come back, and let it go. But the desire has never gone away. That’s because God knows I need to experience his presence every day. And this is how I do it. This is how He does it for me. It is a life of celebration, joy, and how I experience dancing with words. I dance with thoughts. I sing with nature. I see things differently. I experienced things differently. I can celebrate the craziest little things, bringing me so much joy. In sharing that celebration I feel at peace and complete. Uplifting will be the opportunity for anyone to share a testimony. A time when their God experience was powerful. May we all celebrate His purpose.

Uplifting has devotions, testamonies, scripture,and opportunites for prayer. If you would like to receive Uplifting in your email please send your email address, and let us know you want to receive the newsletter, to:

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