Big Sandy Public School District #2 UNOFFICIAL MINUTES

Regular Board of Trustees Meeting Tuesday June 18th, 2024

Held in the Big Sandy High School Computer Lab

Board members present- Chairman Brad Weaver, Vice Chair Jessica Sheehy, Amanda Hoffman, Matt Myers, Kyle danreuther

Staff- Superintendent Dan Schrock, Principal Heather Wolery, Clerk Mary merrill Guests in attendance- see sign in list

1. Meeting called to order by Chairman weaver at 7:03

2. Pledge of Allegiance Recited by all in attendance

3. Public Comment-None

4. Correspondence- Letter from retired 4th grade teacher Demerece Keller thanking the District for the retirement party at the end of May.

5. Minutes of last meeting- Matt Myers made a motion to approve the minutes from the regularly scheduled Board of Trustees meeting held on May 21st, 2024. Motion to second made by Jessica Sheehy. Minutes of the previous meeting approved unanimously.

6. Reports & Updates:

a. National Honor Society and student Council - none

b.Booster club- Wendy Taylor spoke about the next scheduled meeting coming to be held at the high school on Monday, June 10th and to current projects underway.

c. Technology-none

d. Athletic Director- AD Melanie Schwarzbach gave an update on all sports programs and summer camps/clinics that are underway. Recommended the hiring of Rhett Simanton as Boys Basketball head coach for 2024/2025 basketball season. Recommended the hiring of Mikki Pansch for the JHVB position for the 2024 season. The head Cheer coach position is still open with no interest so far. Emphasis on the need to split the wrestling program into a Boys program and a Girls program,with the initial goal of a designated coach for each program. Generating revenue is becoming more necessary than ever in order to sustain the athletics program and Superintendent Schrock and the AD have been in discussions on possible options

e. Clerks- Update given on year end progress and expenditure report. Information on required minimum salary threshold and overtime law implemented by the Department of Labor effective July 1st.

Approval of claims #Jessica approved, kyle seconded, approved.

f. Principals report- Principal Wolery attended a seminar for administrators last week. Will be coming in one day per week for the summer. Spoke to testing changes.

g. Superintendent’s report- Superintendent Schrock gave an update on the SFSP and the amount of children in the community that are being positively affected by the summer food program. Facilities- repair project in the locker room is being finished up. Floors are being cleaned and waxed by staff. A couple of student workers are helping to fill in the gap during the summer maintenance period. Loch electric/NW energy. Gym will be closed down for July 9-11th to replace the transformer. Will be paid out of ESSER funds. Staffing- in house candidate interview for one on one aide this coming fall to be held. Open 5th grade teacher position still and Mr. Schrock has posted the position numerous times. Bear Paw Economic Development Update-Waiting on grant approval. Handbook review- will have completed the review and update for approval at the next meeting. Hutterite colony- Mr. Schrock informed the board that he received interest from the New Rockport Colony for Big Sandy Public Schools to staff a school at the new colony that will be opening in our District.

Chairman Brad Weaver requested to place informational item #7, Fund Accounting overview with Betty Brumwell into new business, after Action Item A.

Action items Old Business

a. HS office manager contract renewal. Superintendent Dan recognized additional responsibilities and the responsibility factor involved and recommended adjusting the job description accordingly and increasing the responsibility factor by .5 Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the renewal, Matt Myers seconded, no discussion, motion approved unanimously.

b. Certified Teacher retirement benefit request- Jessica Sheehy made a motion to deny the request. Amanda Hoffman seconded the motion, motion to deny the request was approved unanimously.

c. Out of district student attendance policy, second reading. Superintendent Schrock informed the board that this policy will enable proper staffing of the district with the deadline set in place with the approval of the enrollment and attendance policy. Jessica Sheehy made a motion to accept the policy in accordance with all new legislation and policy as written. Brad seconded, motion passed unanimously.

Action items New Business

a. Varsity Boys Basketball coach- Matt Myers made a motion to Hire Rhett Simanton for Head varsity boys basketball coach for the 2024/2025 season per the recommendation

of Athletic Director Melanie Schwarzbach, motion seconded by Brad Weaver, motion passed unanimously and Rhett Simanton approved.

Informational- Betty Brumwell spoke to the board members about school finance and fund accounting.

B. Hiring of Lauretta Labuda for position of One on One aid-Matt Myers made a motion to hire Lauretta Labuda for the position of One on One aide per the recommendation of Superintendent Schrock, Brad Weaver made a second, no discussion, motion passed unanimously and Lauratta Labuda hired for 2024/2025 school year.

C. Hiring of Mikki Pansch for JH volleyball coach-Motion to hire Mikki Pansch for position of JH volleyball coach per the recommendation of Athletic Director Melanie Schwarzbach made by Matt Myers, motion seconded by Jessica Sheehy, no discussion, motion passed unanimously and Mikki Pansch hired for 2024 JH Volleyball coach.

E.nBid for flooring from Brandon’s Flooring- Motion to approve bids for new flooring in high school offices and F.E. Miley special ed room for a total of $12,038.65 made by Jessica Sheehy, motion seconded by Matt Myers, no discussion, motion to accept flooring bid from Brandon’s flooring passed unanimously.

F. Calendar amendment for school year 2024/2025-Principal Wolery presented a proposal to incorporate 4 days for distance learning into the school year 2024/2025 calendar, altering the previously approved calendar. Discussion on flexibility and possible use of days. Motion to approve incorporation of 4 distance learning days and the necessary calendar changes made by Matt Myers, motion seconded by Amanda Hoffman, discussion, motion passed with 4 trustees voting for and Jessica Sheehy voting against.

G. Obsolete items- Risers from music room, refrigerator, proofer. Jessica Sheehy motioned to make a list of obsolete items that are noted by the superintendent and to obsolete said items. Amanda Hoffman seconded, motion passed unanimously.

H. Strategic Plan review- suggestion by chairman Weaver to hold off on thorough review for time being. Add as a recurring agenda item to discuss.

I. End of fiscal year fund transfer to interlocal fund- Motion to approve a fiscal year end fund transfer, if necessary and with administration discretion, to the interlocal fund by made by Jessica Sheehy, motion seconded by Matt Myers, motion passed unanimously.

J. Multi district agreement renewal- Matt Myers made a motion to approve the renewal of multidistrict interlocal fund management with Geraldine School District for the three year term of 2024-2027. but to keep the management within the Big Sandy School District. Jessica Sheehy seconded the motion, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

Next regular board meeting to be held July 23rd, 2024 Adjourned by Brad Weaver at 9:20 pm.