Beat the Heat

Did you know people over 50 are encouraged to see their Primary Care Provider every year? Why would you need to go to the doctor yearly if you’re healthy and feel fine? If you’re not sick, don’t go, right? Even if you do get sick once in a while, if some cold medicine can help, there’s no reason to visit the doctor ever, right? Not quite. These visits are called preventative and are an opportunity to catch any pending issues that may lead to illness and failure in your body. Just like you change your engine oil routinely or brush your teeth daily, these habits prevent unnecessary damage and expensive, often urgent, repairs down the road.

The Big Sandy Medical Center building is experiencing that very scenario right now. The original part of the building was built in 1964-65. The Long-Term Care addition was added in 1985. Much of the building is still original. While it does have ‘good bones’ much of the preventative care and repairs have been deferred over the years. As all good things do, various components are wearing out, and due to the age, parts are no longer being made to fix, replace or even ‘get by’. Our Facilities Manager, Chris O’Dell has been challenged with the task of getting the building back into shape. Most recently, the facility replaced its fire suppression system as well as the dated backup generator. Currently, we are replacing the IV pumps, and by September we should have a new nurse call light system in place.

A more pressing matter that has become apparent in this heat wave is the need for an overhaul of the facility’s HVAC system. The chiller is unable to keep up with the cooling demands due to key component failures. Chris has been working with FICO to find creative strategies to get it back up and running properly while we look at alternatives, including the possibility of replacing the chiller. Fortunately, the chiller issues are not affecting our patient rooms, dining area and activities space. Each resident room has its own window unit so individuals can cool their space to their comfort level. There are also two units in the dining area to help offset the increased temperatures from the kitchen. These units are able to keep temperatures at a moderate level through these scorching summer months.

The need for this overhaul does not come as a surprise. Next Spring the internal controls for the HVAC system had already been slated to be replaced. The current controls no longer function and can no longer be repaired. Chris states the project will include, “New VAV boxes (that is what blends the air, when the room asks for cool air, it will divert cold air and when it wants hot air, it will switch to hot air), new thermostats, and a new mother board and operating system.” Now this project may also include a replacement of the chiller too.

While it is so wonderful to see all of these improvements being made, they come with many challenges. BSMC is grateful to Chris and his team for their efforts, the Board of Directors for their support, and FICO for continuing to work with our staff to find solutions.

Take care of your body in all of this heat, drink lots of water, work outside in the morning and afternoon hours, and take frequent breaks out of the sun. Big Sandy Medical Center is here for all your needs, whether preventative (highly recommended) or emergent, you can count on us to be here, no matter the conditions. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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