Regularly Scheduled Board of Trustees meeting July 23rd, 2024

Held in the Big Sandy High School Computer Lab

Trustees in attendance- Chairman Brad Weaver

Vice Chair Jessica Sheehy Amanda Hoffman

Matt Myers Kyle danreuther

Staff present- Superintendent Dan Schrock Principal heather Wolery District Clerk Mary Merrill

Guests in attendance

1. Meeting called to order at 702pm by Chairman Weaver

2. Pledge of Allegiance was recited

3. Public Comment

Brooke Derosier, superintendent from Teton county schools, was in attendence to ask Big Sandy School District to consider taking on the education of the chidlren who will be residing in the newly forming colony within our district, following the split of the New Rockport Colony that will take place on January 6th, 2025. Ms. Derosier gave a description of the current school set up with classrooms, student population, an english school ,etc.

4. No correspondence.

5. Approval of Minutes of the prior meeting- Matt Myers made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the previous board meeting held on June 18th, 2024. Brad Weaver seconded the motion. No Discussion. The motion to approve the prior minutes passed unanimously

6. Reports and updates

a. Honor society and student council- no available reports

b. Booster club- no available report

c. Technology- No available report

d. Clerk- District Clerk Mary Merril gave updates on the following items

i. Fiscal year end closeout

ii. In person financial audit review for fiscal year 2022/2023

iii. Grant revenues and expenditures from fiscal year 2023/2024

Action Item: approval of claims and payroll and direct deposit. Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the expenditures, Amanada Hoffman seconded the motion, no discussion, expenditures of claims, payroll and direct deposit approved unanimously.

e. AD report- Athletic Director Melanie Schwarzbach thanked the coaches for all the time put in over the summer with the kids as it is non contracted/un-paid volunteer time and greatly appreciated. Locker room will be finished as soon as the tile is completed.

f. Principals report- Principle Heather Wolery spoke on the status of the Profile of a Graduate; gave a detailed explanation of the Distance Learning Fridays that will be implemented beginning this school year; Out of District Student attendance, the Substitute list for school year 2024/2025.

g. Superintendent report- Superintendent Schrock gave an update on the following:

i. Summer Food service program, thanking those involved.

ii. Hiring of staff and teachers for the coming school year- with the hiring of the 5th grade teacher all teaching positions for school year 2024/2025 will be filled.

iii. Facilities and maintenance projects progress- the locker room repairs will be completed as soon as the tile arrives.

iv. Handbook reviews have been completed and amendments are ready for board approval.

7. Old Business

a. Multi district agreement renewal with Geraldine Public School District- With new information on the previous business item from the June 2024 new business, a motion was made to renew the multidistrict agreement with the transfer of management of the fund going to Geraldine school district beginning with the current fiscal year of 2024/2025 and for the duration of the 3 year renewal period, made by Amanda Hoffman, seconded by Kyle Danreuther. Motion passed unanimously.

b. Activity fee-Superintendent Schrock recommended to the trustees, after receiving data from surrounding school districts in the region, that we initiate a comparable $30.00 per sport activity fee to participate with a cap at $60.00 per student per year and would be inclusive of all JH and High school athletic participants. Motion to approve the activity fee of $30 per student per sport for athletics, with that cap set at $60.00 per athlete per year, made by Amanda Hoffman, seconded by Matt Myers, discussion, motion passed unanimously.

c. Student meal prices- Our prices are considerably lower than many districts across the state. Superintendent recommends increasing the meal prices as listed in the spreadsheet. Matt Myers made a motion to approve increases as listed, Jesssica Sheehy seconded, motion passed unanimously

8. New Business

a. Hire assistant cook- Superintendent Schrock recommended the hiring of Sadie Sura for posistion of assistant cook to begin with the 2024/2025 school year. Matt Myers made a motion to hire Sadie Sura for assistant cook posiiton Kyle Danreuther seconded, motion passed unanimously.

b. Hire Route and Activity drivers- Motion to approve all listed route and activity drivers for 2024-2025 school year made by Jessica Sheeyy, Matt Myers seconded, no discussion, motion to hire all listed route and activity drivers passed unanimously.

Route Drivers: Jarret Jacobi, Trent Cline, Charlie Sipler, Scott LeFurget Activity Drivers: Jarrett Jacobi, Layne Taylor, Trent Cline, Joe Jurenka, Scott


c. JH Football coaches- Athletic Director Schwarzbach recommended hiring Ryne Labuda and Tucker Taylor as co-head JH coaches with a split stipend made by Kyle Danreuther and seconded by Matt Myers, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

d. Volunteer Volleyball coach- Athletic Director Schwarzbach recommended the approval of Sara Sura, pending all background checks, for volunteer coaching at JH and Varsity level. Matt made a motion to approve, Jessica Sheehy seconded, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

e. Wrestling coaches- Atheltic Director Schwarzbach made a reccomendation, due to the size of boys and girls wrestling programs, to hire both a head boys and head girls coach.for the 2024/2025 wrestling season as co head coaches with a split stipend. At 8.06pm Chairman Brad Weaver made a motion to move to an executive session as the privacy of an indivudual superceded the publics right to know, with a break starting for 5 minutes. Chairman Weaver resumed the open session at 845pm. Amanda Hofman made a motion to hire as stated co head coaches Tucker Taylor and Kyle Rodewald for the 2024/2025 wrestling season with an equal split stipend of the varsity and assistant coaches stipend. Motion seconded by Brad Weaver, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

f. Basketball coaches- Athletic Director Melanie Schwarzbach recommended the rehiring of Travis Baumann for Head Varsity Girls Basketball coach and Ella Jurenka as Varsity assistant coach for the 2024/2025 basketball season. Matt Myers made a motion to accept the recommendation, Kyle Danreuther seconded, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

g. Sub teachers for 2024/2025- With the recommendation of Principal Wolery to hire the following list of Substitutes for the 2024/2025 season, Matt Myers made a motion to accept the recommendation, Jessica Sheehy seconded, no discussion, motion passed unanimously. Michelle Maxwell, Ella Jurenka, Karen Reinertson Carrie Cline, Susie Sant, Rich Jesperson, Jessie Hartley, Katie Hanson, Erik Sietsema, Dee Pribyl, Darlene Cline, Kristin Gasvoda, Seth Goodman, Bope Kulbeck, Keri Cox

h. Hire 5th grade teacher- Superintendent Schrock recommended the hiring of Connie Reichelt for the position of 5th grade teacher, Certified, for the 2024/2025 school year. Matt Myers made a motion to accept the recommendation, Kyle Danreuther, seconded, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

i. Invoice approval over $5000.00, football helmets. Matt Myers made a motion to approve the purchase over the maximum allowable with administrative discrepancy. Brad Weaver seconded the motion. Discussion, motion passed unanimously.

j. Annual memberships due- Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve all district annual membership renewals for the 2024/2025 school year. Matt Myers seconded, Discussion, motion passed unanimously.

k. Overtime minimum salary threshold- Per the new Fair Labor Standards Act the district will maintain an overtime rate of pay for all salaried employees that fall under the minimum salary threshold.

l. School district handbook review- Principal Wolery spoke to changes made in all of the district handbooks. Motion to approve all handbooks as documented and received in board packet for the 2024/2025 school year made by Jessica Sheehy and seconded by Matt Myers, discussion, approved unanimously.

m. Out of district student agreements- Per the recommendation by Principal Heather Wolery to approve all students currently on the out of district students list, a motion to approve was made by Matt Myers, seconded by Amanda Hoffman, no discussion, motion approved unanimously.

n. Set annual budget meeting- motion to set annual budget meeting for Wednesday the 14th of August at 6:30 am and to be held in the High School Computer lab by Matt Myers, Seconded by Jessica Sheehy, discussion, motion passed unanimously and meeting set.

o. Meeting adjourned by Chairman Brad Weaver at 9:30 pm.

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