Blaine Ophus sworn in on the City Council

Blaine Ophus was sworn in as a council member on August 8 at the start of the monthly meeting, replacing Danielle Weaver, who resigned.

Sarah Strissel from Bear Paw Development was present at the meeting to discuss the removal of the old Motel on the main street. There are rules concerning removing asbestos and lead-paste paint that must be strictly followed. The city needs some in-kind contribution, which is still being determined. She reported that they were present in Big Sandy that day to test for lead. It was positive, so now they will test the soil to see if there is lead. We all know there is asbestos, which must be removed after everything is watered down. The town will need several volunteers who will be required to take eight hours of safety training. All asbestos removed must be taken to an approved site in Havre.

A short-form agreement between the town of Big Sandy and the Interstate Engineering firm concerning hiring a new engineering firm for the latest pool project was presented to the city council. It was briefly considered, but the city wanted the input of the pool community before officially voting on hiring a new engineering firm.

KLJ Engineering was present to report on the water discharged at the pivot irrigation project in the city. It needs to have an inch of moisture when they first irrigate. It was a good year with good progress. They also discussed the NCMRWA ( North Central Montana Regional Water Systems) water project, bringing everyone up to date, but nothing really to report by this report, just more of the same, waiting for other areas to be finished. There was also a discussion concerning the BSMC (Big Sandy Medical Center) planning grant.

Paul and Bonnie O'Gorman were present to talk to the council about the failure of the gate and blocked culverts that caused the flooding on their property. It was approved to investigate whose right away it was that failed.

A preliminary budget was given to the city council members. After some discussion and questioning, a budget work meeting was set for August 21.

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