UNOFFICIAL MINUTES Big Sandy Public School #2

Board of Trustees Special Meeting for FY2025 Budget August 14th, 2024 6:30am

Big Sandy High School Computer Lab

meeting recorded live and available on school district website

Trustees In attendance: Chairperson Brad Weaver

Vice Chair Jessica Sheehy Amanda Hoffma

Matt Myers

Kyle Danreuther Administration in attendance: Superintendent Dan Schrock

Principal Heather Wolery District Clerk Mary Merrill

Visitors in attendance: None

1. Meeting Called to Order at 6:30am by Chairperson Brad Weaver

2. Pledge of Allegiance- recited by all in attendance.

3. Welcome of Guests by chairperson, none in attendance

4. Public Comments to the Board- none

5. New business

a. Action Item: Approve/Disapprove Budget for Fiscal year 2025

Business Manager Mary Merrill and Superintendent Dan Schrock discussed the preparation of the budget as presented. Discussion ensued. Motion to approve the FY 2025 budget set at the fund amounts as follows made by Matt Myers, motion seconded by Jessica Sheehy, no further discussion, motion passed unanimously.

General Fund $2,141,631.84

Transportation $265,000.00

Bus Depreciation Reserve $780,246.80

Tuition $45,000.00

Retirement $290,000.00

Adult Education $20,000.00

Technology $63,391.15

Flexibility $55,088.61

Building Reserve $105,348.06

Total all funds $3,770,706.46

Discussion ensued on a non agenda item regarding the future of the strategic planning for Big Sandy School district as Chairperson Brad Weaver talked about future date possibilities and explanations of what the strategic planning encompasses and a session. There were discussions on what the prior strategic planning sessions included and timeframes for holding the sessions.

6. Meeting adjourned by chairperson Brad Weaver at 7:01am.

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