Unoffical School Board Minutes for August Meeting

Board of Trustees Meeting- UNOFFICIAL MINUTES

Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 High School Computer Lab 7:00 PM

This meeting was recorded and will be available on the school website Trustees in attendance- Vice chair Jessica Sheehy, Amanda Hoffman, Matt Myers Trustee absent- Chairperson Brad Weaver

Staff in attendance- Superintendent Dan Schrock, Principal Heather Wolery, District Clerk Mary Merrill

Meeting Minutes

1. Call to Order by Jessica Sheehy, Vice Chairperson at 700pm

2. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance.

3. Public Comment- none

4. Correspondence

5. Minutes of the Last Meeting- July 23rd, 2024, approve/disapprove

Matt Myers made a motion to accept the minutes from the previous meeting as written, Amanda Hoffman seconded, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

6. Reports & Updates

a. National Honor society- No update

Student Council - Clerk read an email from Advisor Ms. Jaramillo stating that each class has chosen their representative and that they will be present at the next board meeting to introduce themselves.

b. Booster Club- No report

c. Technology Report-None

d. Clerks report: District Clerk Mary Merrill reported that she has met with the majority of the district employees to ensure that their payroll information is correct going forward in the new year; gave an update on the status of the soon ending ESSER covid era funding and discussed briefly the claims that were up for approval.

i. Approval of Claims, Payroll and direct deposit ach batches. Matt Myers motioned, Amanda Hoffman seconded, motion to approve claims, payroll and direct deposit batches passed unanimously

e.AD report - Discussion on newly implemented activity fee and grades levels that it applied to. Assistant position available for Boys high school basketball coach and girls JH basketball coach. Will be advertised.

F. Principals Report - Principal Heather Wolery gave an update on current enrollment numbers for the district.g. Superintendent’s Report - The district has hired Nault plumbing to clear the drain in the locker room. The HVAC project has been delayed by a few months. Staffing- advertisements have gone around in hopes of finding janitorial staff. Looking forward to changes in the school with the upcoming school year. Gave a thank you to Rich Jesperson for voluntarily doing weed work around the school. Booster club- thanks for the dedication and effort in spiffing up the concessions area.

7. Action Items

Old Business

A. Discussion & possible action item-Hire substitutes left off original FY 2024/2025 substitute list Alma Terry, Demrece Keller, Cheryl Ostrom. Motion to approve the hiring of the above

substitutes made by Matt Myers, Amaanda Hoffman seconded, motion passed unanimously.

New Business

A. Discussion & possible action item- Bid amount for high school parking lot services, Linear Parking Services. A motion to approve the hiring of Linear Parking Services to complete the job as described and for the amount in the bid provided to the trustees was made by Matt Myers, seconded by Amanda Hoffman, motion passed unanimously.

B. Discussion & possible action item-Hire Cheer Advisor FY 2024/2025, pending results of background check: Leslie Gregory. A motion to hire Leslie Gregory for the position of head cheer coach for the FY 2024/2025 made by Amanda Hoffman, motion seconded by Matt Myers, motion passed unanimously.

D. Discussion & possible action items-Invoice over $5000.00, Strom and Associates. Payment for completion of FY23 financial audit. Motion to approve the payment of the invoice made by Matt Myers, seconded by Amanda Hoffman, motion passed unanimously.

7. Next Board Meeting: Regular Meeting, September 17th, 2024

8. Adjournment by Chairperson at 7:40pm

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