Thoughts with Zoe

There's something truly magical about Fall. The world transforms into a canvas of vibrant colors, each leaf a masterpiece in its own right. It's a season that fills me with joy and awe at the beauty of nature.

God gave us so many colors if you stop to think about it. The trees, when green, have so many different shades of green. Why did God do that? Then there's dirt. Where I live, the dirt is that brownish gray. In Oklahoma, the dirt is red, and the dirt smells different in both places. It may be added that it tastes different if you put it into your mouth. So why does God make different colored dirt? And the one that really blows my mind is rocks. If you look at a rock, there are so many different colors in those rocks. There are beautiful, beautiful rocks. There are gems in the earth. The colors will be vibrant. Opals are fire. Agates are milky, but they are lovely. Agates have pictures in them. And what about rubies, diamonds, jade, and so much more? I mean, why did God create such a variety of colors in rocks? Because, let's face it, a rock could be the same color everywhere and do its job. But he didn't do it that way. He didn't do the trees that way. And then look, how many birds are there? He could have easily made all birds one color, like black, grayish, brownish, different sizes, maybe even different beaks, perhaps even different feet. But he didn't. He made them all other colors. Some are vibrant, and some in camouflage. It's interesting. God chose to give us that kind of variety. Then you can even look at the sky. Someday, the sky is just a pale blue; other days, it's vibrant. And I don't even need to write about flowers!

As Fall unfolds its beauty, I urge you to take a walk and immerse yourself in the creation that God has gifted us. Let the colors, the sounds, and the smells of nature inspire and connect you to the divine.

"For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God-Romans 1:20."

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