Board of Trustees Meeting Held on October 15th, 2024

Held in the Big Sandy High School Computer Lab

This meeting has been recorded and will be available on the school website

Trustees in attendance: Chairperson Brad Weaver, Vice Chairperson Jessica Sheehy, Amanda Hoffman, Matt Myers, Kyle Danreuther

Staff in attendance: Superintendent Dan Schrock, Principal Heather Wolery, District Clerk Mary Merrill

Guests in Attendance: Yes.

1. Call to order made by Chairperson Weaver at 7:03pm.

2. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance.

3. Public Comment, non-agenda items: None.

4. Correspondence: None

5. Minutes of the last meeting held on September 17th 2024 : Motion to approve the minutes of the previously held meeting made by Matt Myers, motion to second made by Kyle Danreuther, seconded, minutes of the previously held meeting approved as written.

6. Reports and Updates:

a. National Honor Society-none

b. Student Council- Report given my Student council advisor Ms. Jaramillo. The LED lighting that was being hung up in hallway by student council received complaints on the look and so the group will readdress and attempt to correct. Update on spirit week candy handouts. Helped with rummage sale set up. Halloween- no dinner on Halloween this year due to lackluster attendance in the past. Red Ribbon week- will see if Counselor Keane would like any assistance.

c. Booster Club- Traci Rodewald in attendance and gave report. VID swap program for girls’ basketball program purchase has been approved. The Booster Club will once again decorate lockers. More gear will be coming in for the Christmas season. Brainstorming projects for the remainder of the year.

d. Technology -None

e.Athletic Director- An emailed report, included in the board packet from A.D Schwarzbach who was not in attendance, was read by all trustees and discussed. Report stated that the AD has been pleased with the leadership brought to the football team by head coach Taylor; the football field lights may need to be replaced after witnessing the movement in the recent windstorm; Volleyball team is having a very successful season and have also dedicated their time to volunteering during

the recent benefit for Casten Heppner, JH basketball has begun and is being coached by Rhett Simanton for both boys and girls positions, with volunteers Ella Jurenka, Eryn Skoyen and Travis Baumann.

f. Clerk: District Clerk Mary Merrill spoke to a report that was shared with the trustees in the board packet, giving an update on the closeout process of the ESSER funding as it applies to the school district; also giving an update on the application for the TEACH ACT base pay incentive program and why the school district does not qualify, as well as an update on trainings and workshops that have been attended and will be attended by the Business Manager/District Clerk in the near future.

i. Approval of Claims #50184-50224, payroll check #’s 38099-38129, payroll direct deposit batch #319 Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve, Brad Weaver made a motion to second, motion passed unanimously, and all claims and payroll as listed approved.

g. Principals Report-Principal Wolery updated the board on the status of the National Honor society advisor position and that Mrs. Calista Worrall, 6th grade teacher, will take the position, pending approval from the board at the November Board meeting. Many fun activities have been held so far, with Chili Feed, elementary field trips to the pumpkin patch and to Quinn Farms to harvest potatoes.

h. Superintendent’s report. Superintendent Dan Schrock reported on the status and concern of the lighting on football field following the recent dangerous windstorm and future potential issues; Staffing/substitute update and that he is thankful for the community members that have stepped up to substitute for the school district. Annual grants have been submitted via egrants; A District Goal Setting/Strategic Planning Process with Dr. Farr to take place in November. Purchase of new curtains for auditorium stage being looked at.

7. Informational: Student council Halloween event moved to Christmas. Action Items

8. Old Business

a. None

9. New Business

a. Hiring of Mark Ostrom for addition to sub list for 2024/2025, pending successful background check. A motion to hire was made by Matt Myers, seconded by Kyle Danreuther and the motion to hire Mark Ostrom for addition to the subsittute list, pending successful background check, passed unanimously.

b. Senior Sneak trip, Class of 2025, Class representative was in attendance and dispersed a packet with information on the senior class plans to travel to Colbert Washington. A motion to approve the request was made by Jessica Sheehy, seconded by Amanda Hoffman, request approved unanimously.

c. Out of District Student agreements- after review of requests for resident students to attend schools out of district, Jessica Sheehy made a motion to approve the out of district contracts as required by the State of Montana, motion seconded by Matt Myers, motion approved unanimously.

d. Hiring of coaches and volunteers as listed for 2024/2025- motion to approve made by Matt Myers, motion seconded by Kyle Danreuther and hiring of coaches and approval of volunteers as listed approved unanimously: JH Girls basketball coach, Hire Rhett Simanton. JH Girls basketball volunteers, approve Ella Jurenka, Eryn Skoyen, Travis Baumann. Assistant Boys Basketball coach: Hire Ella Jurenka

e. Motion to create a new FFA, Milk River District fund in the activities accounting, to be maintained by FFA advisor Layne Taylor as new Milk River District regional advisor. made by Matt Myers, Seconded by Brad Weaver, motion passed unanimously.

10. Next Board Meeting to be held November 19th, 2024.

11. Informal board discussion on strategic planning to be held on November 11th. Superintendent Schrock will send out some information to all trustees. Informal discussion by trustees on the ability to use adult ed funds for curtains if an adult ed class were to be hosted pertaining to theatre/music.

12. Adjournment by Chairperson at 8:00pm

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