BSMC Annual Meeting Tomorrow December 19

Tomorrow, December 19th, is the big day! At 5:30 pm, the BSMC Board of Directors, the CEO, and the community with gather in the BSMC dining room for the 60th Annual Meeting. Most organizations hold Annual Meetings, some out of transparency, some due to state requirement, but it is a little different than the regular monthly meeting. At the Annual Meeting, e lections take place, financial audits are reviewed, and the happenings in the business as well as the upcoming goals are discussed. On the BSMC Annual Meeting Agenda are the following items: CEO Report, Presentation of the Annual Financial Audit, By-Laws Committee and the Nominating Committee Report, Appointments to each committee for the next year, the election of two Board Members for 3-year seats, a Year in Review presentation and Public Comment. A soup/chilli supper will be provided during the meeting for those who attend and there is the added benefit of seeing the new and improved dining area in person.

Financial Audits have a bit of a negative reputation in the public eye, but they do offer value for any organization. Ron Wiens, the current CEO at BSMC worked as a Chief Financial Officer before coming to Big Sandy, he explains the process, “The Board, as part of its fiduciary duty, annually engages an independent CPA firm to conduct an audit of the hospital’s fiscal year financial statements. This review will help determine if they are accurate, complete and in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles. The CPA firm provides an opinion on the hospital financial statements to the Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting of Big Sandy Medical Center. An unqualified (clean) opinion indicates the hospital’s financial statements are fairly stated as presented. Big Sandy Medical Center has continuously earned an unqualified opinion.”

In the CEO Report, Ron will give an overview of the last fiscal year’s accomplishments and take a look forward at the goals for the upcoming year. The By-Laws Committee will discuss any changes being recommended to the By-Laws, there will be none at the meeting this year. The nominating committee will present the candidates for the election. If there is a need for an election, voting would take place. There are only two names on the ballot for the two positions, so by default an election will be unnecessary. Votes are tallied if needed, and the board members are announced.

Further reports are offered from the Medical Guild president, the Director of Marketing, the Quality Assurance Nurse and others. And then public comment is opened. This is an opportunity for community members to voice their thoughts, concerns, and praises of Big Sandy Medical Center. Comments are welcome during this time, however it is not common practice for a Board to act on comments made during this Annual Meeting. They are recorded in the minutes, and if they need further follow up, will be addressed as an agenda item at a later date. This is a great opportunity to welcome a new Board Member, respectfully bring any concerns to attention, and offer support for the Board of Directors as they embark on another year of working to keep this community built facility, community owned.

The Big Sandy Medical Center was built by this community, for the community. We hope that you keep that spirit alive, join us for a meal, and attend the 60th Annual Meeting on December 19th at 5:30 pm.

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