Big Sandy Students get a visit from Santa

Students from FE Miley Elementary School were treated to a brief visit from Santa Claus Thursday morning for their last day of classes before Christmas break. At 8:30 AM, the jolly old elf met students at the door with his trademark laugh and candy canes.

Saint Nick’s appearance was part of a holiday tradition at FE Miley for the last day of school before Christmas break. Students gathered at the High School theater to watch a movie, eat popcorn, and enjoy the morning together. The High School Student Council made popcorn for the event and handed it out. They also made arrangements for Santa’s appearance. Students watched the Grinch that Stole Christmas for their party.

The film was a particularly apt choice because students were dressed as Whoville residents and other characters from the Grinch film. The outfit theme was the final in a series of outfit themes for the last week of school, including a pajama day and ugly sweater day. The week’s festivities follow last week’s school wide Christmas Party and Christmas concert.

The Big Sandy High School Student Council was able to arrange a special appearance from the Big Guy for the school party despite the party landing less than a week before Christmas Day. Anonymous sources within Santa’s scheduling department indicate that the appearance was only possible due to Montana’s proximity to the North Pole, though the Christmas magic did result in some erratic weather patterns locally, including brief overnight snow flurries and dramatic temperature swings. Santa’s transportation manager apologizes profusely for any inconveniences that may have arisen as a result of the anomalies.

One of Santa’s reindeer visited with the kids as they entered the school as well, though he was missing his antlers and looked suspiciously like Otto, Dan Schrock’s labrador. Regardless, the reindeer elicited quite a few smiles and exclamations of joy from the students.

I briefly interviewed Santa, who wanted to thank the Big Sandy High School Student Council for their efforts to make Christmas merrier for their younger peers and their teacher. Santa’s reindeer added an emphatic, “Woof!”