Monday, December 23rd, 6:00pm

Held in Big Sandy High School Computer Lab

This meeting has been recorded and will be available on the school website

Trustees in attendance: Chairman Weaver, Jessica Sheehy, Matt Myers, Kyle Danreuther, Trustee not in attendance Amanda Hoffman

Staff in attendance: Superintendent Dan Schrock, District Clerk Mary Merrill, Principal Heather Wolery

Guests in Attendance

1. Call to order made by Chairperson Weaver at 6:01pm

2. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance

3. Public Comment, non-agenda items: None

4. Correspondence: None

5. Minutes of the last meeting held on November 19th, 2024, Strategic planning minutes 11/11/2024 & 12/02/2024; approve or disapprove. Matt Myers motioned to approve all minutes as listed and as written, Kyle Danreuther seconded the motion, motion passed unanimously.

6. Reports and Updates:

a. National Honor Society-none

b. Student Council-Report from Ms. Jaramillo: Update on all Thanksgiving and Christmas events that were conducted by the student council and the success had. The council will begin awarding Student of the Month again this coming January.

c. Technology -None

d. Athletic Director-Report from AD Mrs. Schwarzbach: Winter sports are underway; update on the Northern Division realignment and that the final decision will be made January 3rd.

e. Clerk: Information is becoming readily available on the new STARS act as it relates to the Quality Educator payment and the Clerk will present the board with some numbers as they relate to our District at the next meeting. Update on status of the salary exemption rule.

i. Approval of Claims #50266-50317, payroll check #’s 38164-38197, payroll direct deposit batch #323 & 324. Motion to approve all claims as listed made by Jessica Sheehy, Matt Myers Seconded, motion approved unanimously.

f. Superintendents: Mr. Schrock gave an update on the state of the sewer system in the high school and the need to address the longevity of the current situation. Information given on tax credit that is available to be utilized by district taxpayers.

Mr. Schrock attended the MSU Teacher recruitment fair in December. Strategic planning will need to be rescheduled due to a scheduling conflict. The board agreed to move the meeting to Tuesday, January 7 at 5pm to be held in the library. Update on the possible grant funding applied for through Bear Paw Development. Mr. Schrock extended a thank you to the Trustees for their support of the district administration.

g. Principals report: Ms. Wolery spoke about the reading and math data that she included in the board packet regarding testing scores for students who have been consistently with the district for several years.

7. Informational: Filing period now open for candidates for Trustee Weavers seat as he is up for reelection this May.

Action Items

8. Old Business

a. None

9. New Business

a. Hiring of Adult Ed Instructor Connie Reichelt to teach a yoga class. Matt Myers made a motion to approve the hiring of Connie Reichelt to teach and adult ed Yoga Class, Kyle Danreuther seconded the motion, discussion, motion passed unanimously.

b. Southeast Bus Route-With potential of 5 full time students and possibly more, discussion in route reengagement- Motion to approve reestablishment of the Southeast bus route with the start date of the route to be determined at a later date made by Jessica Sheehy , motion seconded by Brad Weaver, motion passed unanimously.

c. Invoice amount over $5000 threshold- FICO phase 1 payment due in amount of

$26,487.75: Motion to approve payment of invoice made by Matt Myers, seconded by Brad Weaver. Motion passed unanimously.

10. Next Board Meeting to be held on Tuesday, January 21st 7pm in the high school computer lab.

11. Adjournment by Chairperson Weaver at 6:44pm.