Unofficial Minutes of the Meeting
Held on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025 7:00pm Held in Big Sandy High School Computer Lab
This meeting has been recorded and will be available on the school website
Trustees in attendance: Chairperson Brad Weaver, Vice Chair Jessica Sheehy, Amanda Hoffman, Kyle Danreuther
Trustee not in attendance: Matt Myers
Staff in attendance: Superintendent Dan Schrock, Principal Heather Wolery, District Clerk Mary Merrill
Guests in Attendance: Yes
1. Call to order made by Chairperson Brad Weaver at 7:01pm
2. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance
3. Public Comment, non-agenda items: None
4. Correspondence: Holiday greeting cards and thank you cards from staff members passed around by Chair Weaver and read by all trustees present.
5. Approval of Minutes of the last meeting: Motion to approve regular board meeting minutes from 12/23/2024 and the strategic planning minutes from 01/07/2025 made by Jessica Sheehy, motion seconded by Amanda Hoffman, no discussion motion to approve minutes as listed passed unanimously.
6. Reports and Updates:
a. National Honor Society-none
b. Student Council-none
c. Booster club – Report submitted by President Traci Rodewald, report read by District Clerk Mary Merrill: The club is providing the financial aid for new cheerleading pompoms; Basketball & wrestling signs have been hung on main street & cheerleading will be going up next week. Consideration of financial aid for the new stage curtains is underway; Booster Club has had successful sales of attire at home games & will continue with sales at games as well as availability to purchase at high school office and Hair I Am.
d. Technology -none-
e. Athletic Director- AD Melanie in attendance: winter sports are in the middle or second half of the season. Alumni have stepped in to help the basketball program. & are appreciated. Update on tracking of costs/revenue associated with hosting games. Facilities needing to be cleaned by AD prior to events to ensure cleanliness
for games & the AD appreciates the superintendent’s willingness to help clean as well. Booster Club plans to purchase steel to re-side the Crows nest on the football field & will need manpower to assist in the completion of the project.
f. Clerk: Stars Act calculation as they would affect certified pay rates presented to the board; Election judge training & election calendar update; report on trainings being taken, State minimum wage increase; staff party well attended.
i. Approval of Claims #50318-50356, payroll check #’s 38916-38231, payroll direct deposit batch #325, motion to approve the claims made by Kyle Danreuther, seconded by Jessica Sheehy, motion passed unanimously. Motion to approve payroll warrants made by Amanda Hoffman, seconded by Kyle Danreuther, motion passed unanimously.
g. Principals reports: Semester testing finished up; new offerings for classes this semester; The Title one program is offering a snuggle up with a book on the 28th of January; Ice skating & Ski trips coming up; Attendance data: stays steady.
h. Superintendents report: Facilities: Ray Courtnage is willing to check into the sewer line issue and gather as much information as possible. Phase one of the HVAC project was completed as of today. A full report will be available and presented at the February meeting. Staffing: interviewed for a position in the Elementary School. Southeast Route: work is being done to have the route up and running with the recently hired bus driver. Reporting requirements are keeping the superintendent busy. Great staff party. Day of advocacy in the Helena Capital on March 10th and will be attended by the Superintendent. Discussion on legislative sessions.
Action Items
7. Old Business
a. None
8. New Business
a. Volunteer basketball coach: With recommendation from AD Schwarzbach, a motion to approve Eryn Skoyen as a volunteer basketball coach for the remainder of the 2024/2025 season for varsity and Jv boys teams made by Kyle Danreuther, motion seconded by Amanda Hoffman, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.
b. 3 year contract with Western Sports Floors: Superintendent Schrock requested a locked in three-year contract with Western Sports Floors. Discussion. Motion to approve the three-year contract for the high school gym floor annual maintenance made by Kyle Danreuther, seconded by Brad Weaver. Motion passed unanimously.
c. Individual transportation contracts: Approval for payment of Individual Transporation contracts for first semester motion made by Jessica Sheehy, seconded by Brad Weaver, motion passed unanimously.
d. Call for an election: Chairman Brad Weaver called for an election for school board trustee to be held on May 6th 2025. Motion to approve the call for election as stated made by Amanda Hoffman, Motion seconded by Jesscia Sheehy, motion passed unanimously.
e. Invoice approval over $5000.00- Schoolhouse IT Sonic wall, switches, battery backups, replacing old equipment that we had through e-rate, with the 80/20 split with e-rate, with the district paying 20 percent. Motion to approve invoice payment made by Jessica Sheehy, seconded by Amanda Hoffman. Motion passed unanimously.
f. Superintendent evaluation: Pursuant to Montana law with the request from Superintendent Schrock, Chairman Weaver requested to close the meeting to the public and requested a recess at 7:46pm for 5 minutes. Executive closed session began at 8:51pm. The executive closed session ended at 9:10 pm.
The regular meeting was called back into session by Chairman Weaver at 9:11pm.
9. Next regular Board Meeting to be held Thursday February 13th, 2025 at 7pm.
10. Adjournment by Chairperson Brad Weaver at 9:13pm