Sunshine Snipper's 4-H News

In December the Sunshine Snippers 4-H Club provided refreshments for the community held American Red Cross Blood Drive participants. Don’t forget to save the date for the next community blood drive this month on February 19th.

Congratulations to the top seller from our Martinson’s Chocolate fundraiser, Ashlynn Gasvoda.

On January 19th, the club held a special meeting so the 4-H’ers could give talks and demonstrations. Every year each youth member is required to present a talk or demo that is related to a project they are enrolled in. A 4-H talk is a presentation where a member shares information about a subject they have learned. A demonstration is when a member shows how to do something while telling how it’s done. At the end of each talk or demo the audience asked very good questions to gain more knowledge of the topic. The talks and demonstration that were shared on January 19th were:

Owen talked about concentrated indoor pig farming.

Jayton gave a talk on African Swine Fever.

Bailey gave a talk on the different types of arches of rabbit’s backs and what it means.

Antonio demonstrated the different ways to cut food.

Oakley demonstrated how to properly tie up your horse, to make sure yours isn’t the one that got away.

Parker talked about parts of the bow and arrow.

Brookelyn talked about chicken incubation.

Ashlynn presented her slideshow on Holland Lop rabbits.

Colt talked about chicken parts and what they do.

Paxton’s presentation was about Channel Catfish.

The next club meeting will be held February 9th, at 1:00 p.m. We will be making Valentine cards for our local nursing home residents. Members will also be attending a gun safety lesson from our archery leader, Jarret Jacobi. For more 4-H information, contact Chouteau County Extension or Mary Ophus.

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