BIG SANDY SCHOOL DISTRICT #2 Board of Trustees Meeting

Unofficial Minutes of the Meeting

Held on Thursday, February 13th, 2025, 7:00 pm Held in Big Sandy High School Computer Lab

This meeting has been recorded and will be available on the school website

Trustees in attendance: Vice chair Jessica Sheehy, Amanda Hoffman, Matt Myers, Kyle Danreuther Trustee Not in attendance: Chairman Brad Weaver

Staff in attendance: Business Manager Mary Merrill Guests in Attendance: Yes

1. Call to order made by Chairperson - Vice Chairperson Jessica Sheehy at 7:00pm

2. Pledge of Allegiance recited by all in attendance

3. Public Comment, non-agenda items: None

4. Correspondence: A thank you card from teacher Marla Ray, thanking the board and administration for hosting the annual staff party.

5. Minutes of the last meeting held on January 21st, 2025: Motion to approve the minutes as written made by Amanda Hoffman, motion to approve seconded by, Kyle Danreuther, motion passed unanimously.

6. Reports and Updates:

a. National Honor Society-Update sent in from NHS advisor Calista Worrall and read aloud by District Clerk Merrill: There are 6 members; We are going to pass out Valentines to the local elderly with Gaye Genereux on February 14; In April we will be sending invitations for new members, with inductions being in May.

b. Student Council- Student in attendance and read report. They have been handing out snacks, actively running the student of the month award, with recommendations by the staff. No Valentine’s day dance this year. Chocolates were bought by the student council and handed out to students. Candy Grams were done again this year and went well.

c. Booster Club- Mr. Taylor measured the crow’s nest building on the football field and the plan is to encase the building in metal siding as a spring/summer project. Music program has asked for donations for new curtains for the stage and that request is currently being considered.

d. Technology –None.

e. Athletic Director- Currently have 9 wrestlers at state. Girls Bball program is doing well as they round out their regular season; boys have been working hard. Track coaches and recommendations are on the docket for approval tonight.

f. Clerk: STARS act update and current data specific to our school district given; completed a FY24 transportation audit; bus route reimbursement claims are listed

for board approval; wrestling and track contracts are on the agenda to approve and the pay rates for extracurricular contracts included for trustee review.

i. Approval of Claims # 50357-50384, payroll check #’s 38232-38264 & payroll direct deposit ACH batch #326. Motion to approve all listed claims, payroll checks & direct deposit as listed above made by Amanda Hoffman, motion seconded by Matt Myers, motion approved unanimously.

g. Principals report-Was included in board packet: Upcoming distance learning day; Ice skating trip for K-3 went well; Upcoming Ski trip; successful start to southeast bus route.

h. Superintendents report- Was sent to all Trustees: Updates and subsequent Discussion regarding the status of the boiler/HVAC project; reporting is being completed; attended Divisional wrestling over the prior weekend and impressed with district athletes.

Action Items

7. Old Business

a. None

8. New Business

a. JH Wrestling Coach, Hire Scott LeFurgey, upon the recommendation from AD Schwarzbach and approval of volunteer wrestling coaches Shane Silvan and Colby Baumgarn- change to the planned volunteers with the removal of Shane Silvan as a volunteer coach; the addition of Travis Cline and Misty LeFurgey as volunteer coaches. Motion to approve the JH wrestling coach as listed above as well as volunteer coaches made by Amanda Hoffman, motion seconded by Kyle Danreuther, discussion, motion to approve coach and volunteers as listed above for the 2025 JH wrestling season approved unanimously.

b. 2025 Track Coaches-Hire Head coach Wendy Taylor,

hire assistant coaches: Tucker Taylor, Shersteen Andreasen, Samantha Weaver. Motion to approve as listed, made by Matt Myers, seconded by Kyle Danreuther. Discussion: Charlie Klimas will still be a volunteer but will also need to create the third assistant coach position as there are currently only two listed positions. Matt rescinds his motion. Motion to create a paid third assistant coach position to the track program, with pay at same rate as all assistant coaches per the stipend matrix made by Matt Myers, motion seconded by Amanada Hoffman, motion passed unanimously. Motion to approve the list of coaches, plus the volunteer position with Charlie Klimas made by Amanda Hoffman, seconded by Kyle Danreuther, motion passed unanimously.

c. 1st Semester Bus route reimbursement claim: Motion to approve the bus route reimbursement claims as listed made by Matt Myers, seconded by Amanda Hoffman, no discussion, motion passed unanimously.

9. Next Board Meeting to be held: March 18th, 7pm.

10. Adjournment by Vice-Chairperson Jessica Sheehy at 7:33pm.

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