Ruth Marie Merrill, 98, 17 days short of 99, died Sunday, February 9, 2025, at the Big Sandy Medical Center. The family would like to acknowledge the incredible tender care Ruth received. You all are praised for the professional and loving attention you gave Ruth.
Ruth is survived by her daughter, Susan Sharpe (Robert) of Lexington, S. C. Sons, Alan Merrill (Lorrie), and Ralph Merrill (Kandi Mitchell) of Big Sandy, Montana. Her older brother, Les Rutledge of Hamilton, Montana, also survives her. Also, grandchildren include Nathan (Mary) Merrill of Big Sandy and Serena Cator (Kody) of McLoud, Oklahoma. Six great-grandchildren include Elijah and Evalina Wagoner, Henry and Dorothea Merrill, and Faith and Ridge Cator,
The family would like to thank Doris Gasvoda for always being there and taking her to church. You became a very important and special friend.
Ruth's connection to the Methodist church was deep and lifelong. Born on the Hopp homestead, she was a member of the church from its humble beginnings in the homes of the Hopp and Illaid homesteaders. She served the Big Sandy Methodist church in various roles, including as a dedicated Sunday school teacher for many years. Her belief that the church should be about missions and service was evident in her active involvement. The members of the Methodist church were treasured friends.
Ruth was the daughter of Lester and Jennie Rutledge. She graduated from Big Sandy High School while living in the dorms south of the school. Angus met Ruth Rutledge from Hopp, Montana, at a Pie Social at the Grange Hall in Colville, Washington. He bought her Coconut Cream pie in October 1945, and they were married on March 2, 1946. Angus and Ruth moved to Hopp, Montana, in March 1947. Angus preceded her in death on February 10, 2018.
To her delight, she spent her entire life as a farm homemaker. She didn't want to leave it. She was very involved with the Hopp Homemakers group. As a child, she started taking fair entries, helping her grandfather Weller take vegetables, grasses, flowers, and grains to the fair. Ruth also took on sewing projects and baked and canned goods. She truly loved the entire process.
She was involved in 4-H as a child and then served as a leader for many years. She started the Sunshine Snippers 4-H club and was a leader for over 50 years.
Ruth was a woman of strong beliefs and active participation. Her commitment to the Democratic party in Chouteau County spanned numerous years, a testament to her unwavering dedication to her political beliefs. She was determined to vote in every election, including this one, a commitment that many of us can admire.
Ruth loved to read and thought the Big Sandy Library was an incredible addition to Big Sandy
She grew vegetables and flowers yearly, even when she was 98.
Ruth especially loved to support her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and loved it when they went over to her house. She never said a stern word to them. She played games, baked cookies, and went to their events.
She always loved animals and, at the time of her death, made sure someone would care for her cat, Kit-Cat.
There was no public memorial service at her request.
If you want to make a memorial gift in her memory, the family encourages you to give it to the Big Sandy New Pool Fund or the Big Sandy Library.