The Sunshine Snipper's February meeting was held on the 9th at St. Margaret Mary's Catholic Church. Before the meeting, the club members met at the Big Sandy Medical Center and presented a $200 check to the activities department. They will be using the money to go towards the beauty salon renovations. They also presented a $200 check donation to the Big Sandy Sheriff's department for the Shop with the Sheriff program. After the regular meeting, the Sunshine Snippers attended a gun safety workshop put on by leader Jarret Jacobi. They learned several safety tips such as never resting your finger on the trigger, wearing appropriate safety glasses, and always keeping the muzzle pointed in a safe direction. Then the club broke into groups with the older members crafting valentines for the local nursing home and the Cloverbud members learning the 4-H motto, pledge, and colors. Elise Hartley gave a presentation on practical photography tips, and Makenna Han gave one on tattooing rabbits. Be sure to be on the lookout for the "Egg My Yard" fundraiser the club will be doing before Easter!