Jurastic Park: Rotary's Annual Banquet March 22

Shon Tester has a way of expressing himself concerning the Big Sandy Rotary Banquet so that it brings excitement to everyone in Big Sandy! “This is a big thing, and it’s an exciting thing, and it’s a fun thing. I do want to encourage people to attend this community event. Involvement is a wonderful palate cleanser for the majority of people, but getting them actually to get involved is sometimes rough. The Rotary banquet has been a wonderful success for many decades now, and it’s because the community is always showing up, and March is intentional. We do March because we’re coming off of some seasonal depression, a lot of us, and this year’s rotary banquet is even more important than ever because not only are we coming off of a depressing winter, but we’re also dealing with some difficult times within our country. We need to get out and remind ourselves that we do it for the community, and without community, there will be no us. And so the banquet is very much about our community, about us, and I need us to show up for this one.”

The bank will have the items won could win, plus you can find out how to purchse a ticket there.

The event is March 22: “The doors open at six, and it’ll be a lovely evening. The goal is always to get out before 9:00 or 9:30. This one will be especially fun, and the theme is Jurassic Park. We are restoring a Jeep. It was donated to us by Deb and Dave, and we will be raffling this jeep off. We are selling 700 tickets, $100 per ticket. There is no limit to how many tickets you can buy. And with homecoming hitting this year, we will sell out. It would be a $70,000 fundraiser, which is perfect for a Rotary Club of this size.”

The Jurassic Park theme is because, thanks to Steven Spielberg, dinosaurs and jeeps are now synonymous. This year’s set is way more than what is ever needed for a Rotary Banquet, but it will have a fantastic visual impact. It’s going to be fun! And we’ll have some dinosaur guest appearances. If you want to have a good family night, come on out.”

The park theme is going to be wonderful. It’s going to be a fun evening. Every year, our goal is to make it more entertaining and to make the evening not stagnant because there is a part of the evening that’s a little stagnant. We all know that, so we’re trying to unstagnate it. We’re fine-tuning it, and it’s getting better every year. And I hope the community notices that, too. The work we do in the community and the people and the quality of people here are phenomenal. And so I’ve got to thank the Rotarians too and give them huge props for the monstrous undertaking that this fundraiser is and also for allowing me to transform a room.”

It’s a massive fundraiser. We raised around $40,000 from it. That’s a lot of money. Take your donations to the bank and help make this a huge community success story.

“The whole point is right now, more than ever, we need the community to be able to get through some tough times.”